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Everything posted by si7790

  1. Oright well thats not to bad i took her for a walk last night and she really started pulling on the lead so i look about with torch but no rabbits i just let her had another flick around and charlie poped his head so i know for sure shes game for fox i tend to walk her up at the common as i have lived here for 2 years and never seen a rabbit on there
  2. Fair enough mate thanks for advise everyone
  3. I was more getting at what i can hunt using a dog
  4. Of what i could make out from that is i cant use her on hares just rabbits and rats which isnt a bad thing as long as im on right side of law
  5. Ok il have a look yh i will take gun with me i always do lol
  6. hi i have a lurcher x deer hound i just wanna keep o the right side of the law as i have a shotgun and they try and use every thing against you lol
  7. Thank you i will get some better pics today
  8. Thanks for your reply as far as iam aware she is deerhound x lurcher that is what the women told me she said the storm which is my dog when she was walking her she is constantly looking for rabbits so thats always a good sign
  9. Shes a little over weight at moment so gunna start get her some good excise and i picked her up tonight
  10. hi just thought i would upload a couple of pictures shes 10 months old lovely bitch got some wicked colours on her one side is lighter then the other
  11. Hi see alot of whippets cross bull what is the bull is it staff is english bull
  12. Ok thanks for all your help im going tonight to have a look at a lurcher x deerhound she is 10 months old the women has told me she is already taking interest in rabbits
  13. I just didnt know if u stick to a certian amount of food to keep it right or feed it in rabbit as its a lean meat i just want to get it right that is why i am asking
  14. Also is there any sort of diet i should stick to once i get the dog i like
  15. Hi it would be my first time hunting with dogs i have always helped my grandad since i was a young boy train gundog some of you may of heard his prefix which is conneywarren and price of dog doesnt bother me one bit
  16. hi i am looking into getting a whippet is there any laws on letting it catch a rabbit as i have some people saying no u cant and have heard other people say i can aslong as it one dog to 1 rabbit not 2 dogs one rabbit If anyone on here could tell me the right answe i would be very grateful
  17. Without the scope it was mega lite i cant really compare as all my other rifles have been heavy but my mate has a s410 il find out when hes next out
  18. here is a pic of my new s410 superlite carbine i got it yesterday set it up and got these two last Night
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