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Everything posted by si7790

  1. Gen3 archer c or b grade, includes shims and bayonet, can include ir source too £1500 ono mint with very little use I can send pics via email just pm me your email address
  2. i have also read that the gas rams have killed scopes how true is this thank simon
  3. its only because i have hear bad things about but i will give it a chance first is it just spring i have to buy or do i have to buy a spring guide aswell thanks for the information you have already given me you have been very helpful
  4. hi i have recently brought a hw80 with a gas ram in it even though the gas rams and seals have recently been changed and has been regassed but im not keen on it and would like to go back to spring also i have also heard / seen some bad reviews on gas rams what parts would i need to buy/get to convert back to spring thanks simon
  5. Hi no this isn't a wind up I didn't get rid when I lost my job I got rod when I got new ones and was working long hours and Saturdays and odd Sunday and away alot to shows and I didn't have time to fly him so got rid not what I want to do but I had to for the birds sake granted a lot of u don't believe me but what I said is the truth and the results I had with my bird were good enough for me but what u have with urs maybe more but I may have a mentor I am going to meet him on Monday he has had a lot of experience so he said I can go along with him if I want so that's what I'm gunna do I still
  6. i am not just gunna do one day gunna do a couple and i may sorted out a mentor that uses redtail hybrids also has red tails and harris
  7. hi everyone i have booked my self on a days experience with a red tail hawk to get the feel for one of them please dont reply to thread as i will ask the instructor all questions on the day thank simon mods can you please close thread
  8. it wasnt a young chick it was 5months old which i would class a chick sorry if it was miss leading
  9. believe it or not its down to you i have no reason to lie
  10. thank you for your info and yes when i say jack im mean hob i have just always know them as jack and jills thanks simon
  11. hi i am fairly new to falconry i use to have a harris hawk that i use to hunt with i had him from a chick i manned him myself and i had loads of fun hunting with him anyway i ended up losing my job and when i finally got a new one and i had to sell him i was heart broken but i had to sell because my new job i had to work long hours but was best thing for him but i am now working part time and as the partner is now working as well i am thinking of getting anther bird of prey enough about my life story the questions i would like to ask are the following i have been thinking of getting
  12. hi im new to ferreting i have got myself a few nice ferrets i have been once or twice before in past but my memory is sh*t lol my questons are when does the ferreting season start as all i can remeber is that it was winter? at what age do you start kits ferreting ? and final question i was speaking to a lady the other day that said that she and some of her friends have found that a jack that has been casterated is a better worker any info on this i asking as i currently have one that has been casterated ? how many of you ferreters use transmitters and how well do they work just in
  13. hi just got the misses a stoeger x20s just thought i put it on here how i found it very comfortable to shoot very accurate for. 22 but found the trigger to be a bit hard but once i fit charlie trigger tunning kit hopefully will be better
  14. This has now gone to blane 5626 Very nice bloke glad to do business with you
  15. hi is there anyone selling or free to good home ferrets near harlow essex doesnt matter if there working or not thanks simon
  16. Sorry people put this up for a mate and i forgot about it and the idiot has gone and sold it
  17. Hp pavilon dv6 pro 4gig ram 750 hdd hdmi 6weeks old swap for a pcp or a nice springer or even two cheapish but decent springers
  18. Get your self insurance and go ask at golf course mate To be honest i find it hard some times and i have load of certificates i.e gamkeeping,pest control, gassing
  19. Most of the time i make meal for myself but i do give some to the dogs as a treat
  20. Hi i have kx100 runs and rides mint need new back box as the baffles fell out its a little wheelie machine and jumps very well had new piston and rings new carb new sprocket and chain and a new barrel I have got a kick start for it the proper one but im not sure if the spline has gone or not but once it arrives i will update but bumps with ease
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