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About Stocka

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Cheers mate is yours in 22 or 177 is it ok with different types of pellets?
  2. Is the rowan multi shot the only conversion for the s400? Or are there others? Cheers lads
  3. My mate had one it went anywhere he wanted it to go
  4. I'm going to have a bash at this I'm going to print some out and take a ride out to all the farms if there not in ill post a letter. I have 1 permission at the moment but its small I would like a few so I can keep busy
  5. Stocka


    I smoke roll ups used to smoke the green too use thick papers mate fluff your backey up even it out over the rizla and roll simple I used to call them fold ups because I couldn't roll and just folded them up. Try and practise roll them tight until you master that and then get looser that's how I learned only took me a week
  6. Anyone got permission round this area or no anyone I could ask? Most farmers round here don't let you do anything as the yobs are always ruining it on there motor x bikes.
  7. Everyone is spot on here I have to do them for work it's just for safety basically nothing to worry about
  8. Cheers for all your posts lads your a great help for a rookie like me ill try the tuf cloth and see how that goes if not ill try the 3in1 but as long as its protected I don't care. As for the stock I have beech what do you recommend on that part? You all may think I'm sad trying to keep it the best I can but its my first rifle and will never sell it and would like to get the most out of it. Thanks all
  9. Cheers mate just ordered some is it easy to remove the stock I no it's just 1 bolt but does it mess with alignments at all?
  10. That's what I was going to do as the heated tanks are expensive if I had enough interest I would buy one. I did see a video and see you have to use a lot of activator. May I ask where you get the film from as eBay was limited and was mostly carbon fibre
  11. I've got a s400 in 22 and my mate has a s400 in 177 although we only shoot rats at the moment I've managed to kill everyone with my 22 and I love it not sure on the difference between the s400 and the s410 apart from the obvious but there may be a lot of difference never used a s410 so couldn't comment on them
  12. Have you got the proper tank as I thought the water had to be heated? I really wanted to have a go at this and was going to offer it out to all my mates doing bits on there cars
  13. I have found with shooting rats dried dog food is best as they can't take it quick like bread. They have to pick it up with there paws and put it in there mouth where as bread and anything else I tried they just grab it and do one which makes it hard to shoot them. As for traps I use marzipan
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