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About bobhow

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 25/08/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    south wales
  • Interests
    working dogs ,ferrets, growing veg ,welsh rugby horse racing drinking rock music staying in bed late

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  1. one of the first things i learnt as a lad coming into lurchers never mate two beddy types together they throw all sorts of mongrels and wastage
  2. who would begrudge a tenner for a well reared kit when you take into account the feeding cleaning and handling that goes into the rearing a litter and when kids are involved its nice they have a reward for they,re hard work
  3. old feller told me years ago its a waste of time ferreting in a east wind as the rabbits will not bolt not sure how true this statement is however
  4. bought new but i,ve had it few years never had a problem before
  5. bunnyboiler its a mk3 and its only one collar
  6. bit of advice please i,ve just changed all the batteries in my collars ready for a trip out in the morning but one is only picking up when i get to within 6ft of it i swopped batteries with one that worked properly in case batteries were duff but same thing no pick up until 6 ft
  7. i freeze bottles of water to put in cages on really hot days i also half fill drinking bottles with water and freeze over night mine also being sprayed with the hose
  8. i make make my nets up in bundles of three held together with elastic band this keeps them tidy in the bag and if a mate needs nets on the other side of a hedge it makes it easy to throw a few over
  9. ive had a half x polecat x ferret would strike you like a rattle snake never worked her tho bred her to a ferret kept a few 1/4 bred jills kits back these were easier to handle but very hit and miss when tried at work they would fly to ground one day and refuse point blank the next all in all a total waste of time the ferret was domesticated over 2 1/2 thousand years and is perfect for the job it was bred for so why try and change it
  10. Neil B thats the story a lot of people are saying healthy ferrets just dying whilst others are unaffected strange ?
  11. Sam there as been quite a few different people that have lost ferrets so would think its unlikely they were all poisoned Sirblessed we don,t have any spiders in this country that are capable of giving a killer bite personally i think it as some thing to do with the way they are being fed but who knows
  12. Ive been reading of quite a few unexplained ferret deaths on face book by all account ferrets have been fit and well one minute then dead the next and heres the puzzling bit some ferrets die while the remainder stay fit and healthy its nothing ive encountered in over 40 year keeping ferrets
  13. there,s a nice little Jack Hargreaves film of him ferreting with a russell x whippet thats worth a watch if you have not seen it before
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