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About Poacherspocket

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Well i didnt get out on the river but i fished a match today woth some lads from work. Very hard day came second with 5lb 6oz and plenty of maggot left so i will have a few hours tomorow on the river.
  2. Thank you very much. Anyway you cant catch fish on the enternet so im just tying a few rigs ready for tomorow. The dearne is a very snaggy river lots of trolleys and bikes. Fingers crossed il atleast catch a few nice chub.
  3. i might have to take you up on that. Iv heard loads about the trent but never had chance to target it. I know next year me and a lad at work are going on the wye which is another barbel hotspot.
  4. Never really been on this section so as the title states i love my specimen fishing. What have people been doing this year what achievments you made and any good plans next year? Iv had a poor year with regards to caro fishing but iv never had many barbel and iv now had 4 from the dearne in barnsley 9lb being the biggest. Next year im waiting on a low stock sindicate with some really old fish to about 20lb and there sticking 5 new big fish in which i wouldnt mind having and im going to try get a double figure barbel.
  5. A pup will learn you far more than a 12 month old
  6. Iv got a biothane collar of ebay for my mut and i liked it a lot but everyone else said it looked taty. Just get string stuff worth every penny.
  7. Strong stuff is the only collar out there for me. Hes fast and reliable just tell him what you want and he will sort it. I wanted a tapered lurcher collar for my bitch with a 13.5 inch neck and he made it bang on with play either side of 13.5. I asked for black with a blue core, union jack badge and brass fitting and thats exactly what i got with a slip lead thrown in. Why i didnt get one sooner il never know.
  8. Take 5 minutes to look through who comments on dogs for sale all the time its ridiculas same people all the time then next minute there selling them. Stay well clear of this place to sell or get rid of dogs full of peddlers.
  9. Anything that is anti inflamitory takes a while to work usually a week ish i think and youve got to take it regular.
  10. No need to apologise to me fella. You're a lucky man with the permission you've got but we aren't all that lucky. I wish I was but that's the way the cookie crumbles. Thats why I don't see every man who jumps the fence as a disrespectful thug or stock worrier like some on here are implying. Some of us are just out to work our dogs and do the best we can to do our thing and not upset anyone. But it doesnt always go to plan. couldnt agree more gaz. Iv got permission in places but nowhere near enough to graft a dog. Think people need to realise probably less than 5 percent on here have enough per
  11. Just shows dont it technology ruines everything
  12. I think some have got him sussed and its just scare tactics. He would have to be silly to actually do it but i dont think il be going back that way just in case i value my pup too much. Its only a small village no keepers or owt like that its just some silly old farmer with crops. If i drop on him in the mean time il be having words for sending threats and enlighten him on the matter. Thinking back to the time iv been supposedly seen i actually think it was my dad who had my pup over night that may have just been walking her which is even worse. It would be very easy to mistake us in the dark
  13. Whats the law on farmers shooting dogs and peoples experiance of it? 2 year ago me and the bird was threatened by a farmer saying he was going to shoot my dogs if i was on his land again. This was day time and both dogs were on the lead and he was waving the gun all over the place. Then today i was in my dads boozer and got a message saying id been seen with the lamp and lurcher on myself and if im seen again my dogs getting shot. Fair enough both times i was were i shouldnt be but neither times was i doing something illegal other than been somewhere away from a public footpath. No live stock
  14. thankyou for the offer i really appreciate it. Iv managed to get some local but if ever i breed in the future and you want any il return the offer. Stud dog on here just dropped me some kits off that hes bred with my hob and a mates let me down so im keeping an extra kit out of that. Cutest ferrets iv seen soon as you pick them up they want to sleep in your hands.
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