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Everything posted by Saluki246

  1. spot on paul , plenty of lads would use for what she likes lol. as long as you could get her back to you, after she run one thats the main thing. i get this all the while with my 2 dogs, they will go after the deer = munchak . where i go there few in the woods, only yesterday they were after them, old Bryn was away for 5 mins, but Buck bloody near 15 mins, he comes back blood on his face , cuts and rips on face from thick brambles . they love it lol what i do is stay in one spot and just call them back, they will come back, once they know the place/ routes , just wait for them. the wor
  2. Mars, nice saluki running. Fair play Brookie, for breeding a great strain.
  3. Lol.........their you go, thanks for the heads up nans..
  4. Thanks , fine pup. However, looking for a younger pup now, as older salukis can find it hard to adjust to new owners at times, not all, but most. For that price and to come all that way ect, bit risky for me. But thanks for the link.
  5. Can you imagine slipping dog amongst them lot. ...it would die happy anyhow....
  6. This time of the year they are starting to mate and seem to go a bit silly and are found all over the place.
  7. you got a pure saluki pup then ? Not yet Bird. Still looking mate. Put topic up as i was talking to a fella last week that does not lead train his till their 5 to 6 month onwards. I prefer to start younger, but it seems to work for him, so thought id stick the topic up about it. He believes in lots of freedom for the pup, but is lucky to be surrounded with his own fields ect.
  8. Yeah, that is what i have done in the passed. Some lads wait till later, some start early, i reckon when their around 10 weeks start slowly, but i have also seen them start at 6 months and older with no bother.
  9. What age do you stick a collar and lean on your pups ? Some wait til 6 months, others straight away ? reason i ask is, in the passed i have all ways started when they are young, but a lot of the coursing lads wait longer, say to their 6 months ? cheers.
  10. I have worked pures both day and night in the passed, did well for me.
  11. I don't bother lamping myself anymore. But use to like mad. I am slowly getting back into a bit of mooching, well, once i get a dog..lol.. as have nothing at the moment. Just thought the link i put up was a bit drastic, to ban all lamping, as their is decent lads out their that do it right, but will get the blame. !
  12. They describe the breed in the article as a Belgian Shepherd. Not many use them as a lamper i don't think. !
  13. Not sure why they are blaming lampers below in the article, as its not a lamping breed .! Its bad what the dog did, but trying to get lamping banned is a bit of a harsh move as its not a lurcher. http://www.independent.ie/business/farming/sheep/farmers-hunt-killer-dog-that-has-left-over-40-sheep-dead-35427830.html?kkk&utm_content=bufferdfec5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=(!64.56:886&utm_campaign=buffer
  14. I am not looking for an out an out worker, all i am looking for is a saluki, as a pet mainly and a bit of mooching. I love the breed a lot and am not fussy, as long as its not fecked up mentally ! I would consider an older saluki, if it has not made the grade and would garantee it a good permanent home . Cheers.
  15. What is the rules ect from getting a dog from uk to northern ireland? Does the dog have to have a passport before it can get on the transporter ?
  16. If your still in B, their is some 20 mins away. Tell me more please mate, I spotted some out through ballayhaunis but a bit more detail would be greatly appreciated sent you a pm.
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