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steve rb

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Everything posted by steve rb

  1. Am considering a new one of these so was interested in this, but just checked the Daystate website and it says : "The warranty applies to the first purchase of a new rifle and is not transferable to subsequent owners." Is your warranty the standard DS one or something different / a dealer one that's transferable?
  2. And just found XTX do singles at a quid each! http://www.xtxair.co.uk/eshop.php#!/~/product/category=2849023&id=12410439
  3. Mine lost a probe seal today too, so include me on the look out if you find some! did find the full set here tho : http://www.airgunspares.com/store/product/4692/BSA-R-10-Seal-Kit-Part-No.-Complete-Set-of-10-Se/
  4. Hi there, I also have one which ill now be selling having just acquired my first PCP and got back into the whole thing! Recent full service, new main spring, chrono etc. comes with Tasco scope and original sights. Drop me a pm if you are interested and I can get you some more details / pics etc. Cheers Steve
  5. Also on Paypal, I've been screwed by the buyer a few times, claiming I'd sent an empty box (or even worse when they collected a coffee machine then claimed they hadnt received it!!) and making a chargeback claim - money disappears quick as lightening and that's that. No come back. I only use paypal to receive when it's a gift (and then the buyer would be nuts, unless they know you), or, with a lump in throat, on ebay when it's a 100% positively reviewed buyer.
  6. think I'll be heading down this route today..... A question on your question then! How do you define safely? How do you know if it's safely filled? I though Weirauch stated it should be filled to 200 bar...? Sorry if they are dumb questions - completely new to this from my old springer.
  7. Kelmarsh is only the hired venue, Countryman Fairs run the Gamefairs. The Festival Of History is put on by English Heritage & a fantastic event Good point. I learned more about weapons, hunting and armed forces evolution in that 'History' weekend than in the previous 10 years! Hope they do it again some day. Having lunch in the Saxon tent, watching the running gladators dueling, the modern warfare and trench sections - super!
  8. Read this thread cover to cover this morning and it's worried me to be honest. I'm looking for my first gun, I've send a dozen or so mails to various guys on gunstar for potential R10 / S410 / HW100 rifles for me. A couple seemed legit, many didn't bother to reply, but I'd often be reliant on getting the item posted.... Not ideal and the news that Paypal is 'banned' for this is new to me, so that was very useful - I'm not a huge fan but at least on ebay the most you can usually get stitched for is the cost of returning something to the seller if you follow the rules right. This isnt so clea
  9. It's a shame, Kelmarsh is literally a couple of minutes from me and the events are such hit and miss, I've been to this one a couple of times, and yep, not much cop. But we went as a family to the Festival of History a couple of years ago and it was incredible, huuuuuge site, with literally boer soliders fighting running battles with roman legions, wwII teams facing off with saracens - all while we walked around - showed they can do it...
  10. Hi folks, been trawling through this site and enjoying it's variety. JUST got back to air-rifling after taking my sone (9...) to the local club in Kibworth for a taster. Wow have things moved on. I've still got a lovely Tasco topped Diana 52 Firebird which was my pride and joy. Had the chance to shoot with the S200 and was staggered... Will likely be asking for a bit of advice as the bug has (re)bitten. Cheers Steve
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