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Everything posted by EVO HUNTSMAN

  1. why would anyone want to do springer groups out to 50yrds,not like anyone would shoot that distance in the field ???,but all to their own i suppose
  2. it would be insulting to pay someone to take them off your hands as they are probably the worst pellets on the market or ever produced, melt them down and make some fishing weights
  3. still experimenting with my homemade night vision ,,heres a small clip to show you how its doing so far
  4. i started with the s410 and then bought the huntsman new,,both excellent rifles, love my s410 but the feel and build quality of the huntsman classic is far superior
  5. thanks phil,,yes bud they are a nice rifle to handle and shoot, i like the old style rifles mechanical and not electronic,have to say its certainly a light and well built rifle and i must be honest a fantastic air rifle to take out hunting,well worth every penny i paid for it new
  6. JSB Exact,s are a fantastic pellet, i will only use these in my huntsman classic, 2nd to these are the RWS Superfield, also an excellent pellet, the rangemaster li are an ok pellet but i have found them to be too inconsistent, if i was only allowed to use one pellet then the JSB Exact,s would be my number one choice
  7. i own a huntsman classic in .22 pure quality and the aftersales is second to none,,both are very accurate rifles but the daystate huntsman is lighter and personal opinion is its the better rifle to carry round all day hunting good luck with your choice
  8. got to be honest, but sub 12ft lb this is one of the main reasons i will not attempt to shoot live quarry further than 40 yrds, I practice all the time on paper targets in the garden(which is 55yrds long) but most importantly out in the field aswell because in the garden in perfect conditions i can punch paper targets and get groups of 10mm with 10 pellets at 55 yrds but it is a totally different story out in the field what with wind and temps etc. personally i know woundings will happen but i do think that some people do try to exceed their capabilities in the exitement of seeing a bu
  9. hi all, just thought i would say hello,i,m 48 yrs young and from the wirral,my interests are fishing and shooting ,been having a read of the forum so thought i would join,,many thanks Bob
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