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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Depending on what species of deer you want to shoot, if its just roe and muntys etc you can get away with a 22.250 in scottland, but if ya after fallow, sika or the big reds then its .243 minimum, id look at the 25-06 if your doing the full range of deer and fox. Regards Aaron
  2. As in Gas or electric or generally in rearing? alot of people are experimenting with differant types of bedding and rearing sheds are getting bigger!
  3. Certanly can Regards Aaron
  4. just a thought, Heater matrix? is it overheting? Regards Aaron
  5. DJS products when i bought my last one. Regards Aaron
  6. 12 bore, 3 inch 53gram 3's (lyvale express) Can you buy them slugs on a SGC then??? Regards Aaron
  7. They'll be anywhere that there is a food source! find them in hedges, streams, cover crops, towns, gardens etc Regards Aaron
  8. must be a few more with opinions Regards Aaron
  9. I think its about time this got put too bed, i'll agree to disagree!! Regards Aaron
  10. Interesting, cant really see it myself, especially if it was to cycle properly???? dont know though? Regards Aaron
  11. If you read back a few posts then i said it may be wasnt the best option to stick in a clients garden etc, Whats with the dog sticking his nose in a tunnel? which i think is a bit more likely than a dog standing on a 5kg tub and geting his paw stuck in a hole about 2.5 inches wide! HOPE YOUVE GOT GOOD 3RD PARTY COVER!! Glad you have lots of spare time to fill out risk assesment!!
  12. What about a roe sack?? its also washable and you'd fit a few in one of them! Regards Aaron
  13. What are peoples views on commercial shoots who are shooting big bags? How many is too many and is there a need to shoot such big numbers? Regards Aaron
  14. There you have it, there is no reason for this to be illegal! so thats settled!!??
  15. look, simple fact, there is no clause in the law that that spciefically states that the fenn to be legal has to be sett in tunnels. You wouldnt use this method, i do, its effective, covered and is not threatening to non-target species! If there is a law that says you are not allowed to use a fenn trap in anything other than a tunnel than i will stop using it! untill then....... Regards Aaron
  16. Well it certainly aint 'OPEN' all im doing is abideing by the law, just because you always took it and was taught that it had to be in a tunnel to be legal it doesn't! it just has to be covered! i was also taught this way but there are always other methods/ways that can be more effective at controlling vermin and shouldnt just limit it to say just tunnel trapping. May well not be the 'very best practice' of trapping but it works and is legal!! Regards Aaron
  17. Green way machoes arnt too be had if theres plenty of road miles to be done. id go for any decent all terrain wil do, go for the bigger names, coloway, bf, cooper, general grabber etc. if your looking for something cheaper than BF and cooper go for coloway or general grabber, all are very good tyres. Regards Aaron
  18. 9x out of 10 times wheather it be a grey or a rat, as soon as they enter they land straight on the treddle plate!! its all about effective pest control, this method is no differant to making a tunnel trap too wide and foul catching the target? ok, may be not a method to be used in a convensional garden etc but it works, and is very effective at that! at the end of the day the trap is abideing by the law, it is 'COVERED' Regards Aaron
  19. for feed find a local chippy of patatoe supplier and ask for the skins, duck love them, only put down what they will eat as the will go bad give em a day or so, dont feed them purely on them tho, give barly mostly if you can if not wheat will do. Regards Aaron
  20. I found the same at distances of up to about yards its not too bad. Its when you start to take shots at 100 + yards when their is a differance, and they do tend to wonder a wee bit, i have found that a lot of people exagerate the effect the wind has on it, just because its that bit lighter than a .22 they suddenly decide its not worth havin, i had this argument with a keeper and hed never shot one, each to thier own, but i wont be changing mine. Regards Aaron
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