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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. knotts in cotton....

  2. it sticks out alot more than the old collar, personally id rather a wider collar thats tighter to the dog then one that is narrower and sticks out further! cant see how it can be classed as smaller. Also being rechargable the must be a hole in the collar for it to be charged?? surely a week point???? Aaron 'i think youd be better off not commenting on things you havnet actually seen.' You know best winky!! Aaron
  3. it sticks out alot more than the old collar, personally id rather a wider collar thats tighter to the dog then one that is narrower and sticks out further! cant see how it can be classed as smaller. Also being rechargable the must be a hole in the collar for it to be charged?? surely a week point???? Aaron
  4. it may be twice as narrow, its nearly twice as tall Aaron
  5. I seen this collar and personally dont think it is any better than the old one, its not as wide but taller!! personally think it would hinder the dog more than the old version! Aaron
  6. its simple mate, make it as wide as the bike! you can have it as tall and wide as you wish, eg 18 width by 16 tall, its got to suit you! Aaron
  7. Kennels and dog box SOLD!! Aaron
  8. PM's have been sent to all that have asked. Aaron
  9. sounds like it could be mink, stoat or weasel. A couple of well placed fenns will sort it out. Aaron
  10. bits n bobs for sale! Pair of Le Chameau mouflon plus size 9 and half, worn about 4 times and in very good condition, no scratchs etc. £130 posted http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/a...t1/PICT0424.jpg Mini moto, flat rear tyre, its QUICK!! £30 cheap bit of fun! Pick up only East Northants http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/a...t1/PICT0415.jpg Aaron
  11. look at the post date mate, everything you need to know on the link! in the description it says SOLD SOLD SOLD Aaron
  12. dont matter how clean your kennels are mate it only takes contact with another dog with it to contract it. Grated ginger roots boiled up with some honey, strain it out and then put in food or instead of water, will help surpress it. Aaron
  13. id of waited till he filled his release pens up and put it in there for a night! Aaron
  14. Rew feed suppliers, anyone know of any decent ones? Aaron
  15. what makes you so sure i dont no nowt. probobly something to do with a comment like 'dogs for working, bitches for breeding'. You dont work bitches then, just line shit i take it then?? or am i wrong. Aaron
  16. alice was not bred by nick but does have alot of his blood in her,dixie is alices daughter but sired by a total out cross. why? PMD Aaron
  17. dug to her your self then did ya?
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