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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. stop sex-ting me, try skitz instead....

  2. anyone sell decent bagged raw mince hants area??
  3. DREAD loves the chocolate mamba!!!

    1. matt11


      show season well under way for you now,i hear you have been doing well!!

    2. matt11


      likes men and shows

  4. im still here till nxt wk end don...........
  5. sorry yeah per section fella.
  6. Aaron

    17 HMR

    BUMP. still for sale, forgot to say 16inch heavey barrle, pm for any more info. Aaron
  7. Surplus to requirements these are up for sale. These are brand new and have never been up or even bolted together, just sat in garage. There are 4x= 2mtr x 1.84mtr 2inch mesh pannels and 4x= 1mtr x 1.84mtr gate panels again in 2inch mesh. 2mtr pannels £60 1mtr gates £50 http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/aaron086t1/kennelswalk062.jpg http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/aaron086t1/kennelswalk063.jpg http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/aaron086t1/kennelswalk065.jpg Aaron.
  8. i had a dog do that this season! the dog was 4 this season and had always been dug to regular, was never a world beater but he did the job, had some good digs to the dog but unfortunatly he decided it wasnt for him, it happens. the dog hadnt been treated any differant, was healthy etc, he just didnt want it any more.
  9. Whats being said is if you dont know f**k all about it then how can you comment? the majority of animal lovers wich are against hunting think its cruel killing a cute fox, they dont have a idea of what its really about, they just jump to conclusions. We all know the amount of shit written in the papers etc about hunting and its all a load of shite, so is what the papers say about pitt bull owners etc true? Try and look at the bigger picture,instead of doing what the antis and general public do and believe all the shit written in the papers! oh, and you wanted a link from bull owners to working
  10. Aaron

    17 HMR

    im very interested your inbox is full mate Sorry mate. Iv had a clean up try again. Cheers Aaron
  11. Aaron

    17 HMR

    I have here for sale my .17HMR. its a CZ 452 American in very good condition! Comes complete with 5 shot mag,Hawk Night Eye 6.5-20x50 ir scope, SAK moderator, Harris bi-pod (swivel Version) and padded rifle sling. It has also had the trigger worked on by a gunsmith so is a little nicer to use and get on with. The rifle is in perfect condition and is a very useful tool. http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/aaron086t1/sale001-2.jpg http://i528.photobucket.com/albums/dd324/aaron086t1/sale002-2.jpg Sensible offer will secure, please pm for any more details etc. Im based in Hert
  12. money wont buy genuine dogs from this line.
  13. first of all the dog shouldnt come out so you wont really know its lost the coller till you break through to f**k all, so its too late, obviosly you will probobly think sumin is up by then anyhow as there no banging or baying etc but id carry on the mark, and then go from there. im not sure what price the bellman collars are now but there a good days wages, depends if you can afford too loose a day dont it? it has happened to me digging (trying)to a mates dog. it went to qaurry and came out with out the coller on because he didnt put it on properly! dug to the coller at just short of 5
  14. It is fine for use in dogs/hounds etc. its just a higher % because its intended for doseing up larger animals that need more. obviously you wont need much.
  15. sad loss mate but if youve lost one there before id of thought you be more cautious? i know i would. As someone said, stick a abit of mesh there yourself, only takes 10mins.
  16. Aaron


    has there been a clear out of some members? theres a few lads cant get on?
  17. snagg by name, (man) slagg by nature!

  18. loves sign language, especially the action for the town of COKERMOUTH!

  19. See listing, brake light switch, rally/AT tyres etc etc Aaron
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