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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. the stuff is illegal although its probobly the most used wormer! dont affect the pheasants in any way, if they get too much of it it just goes straight through them so no need to worry. just make sure of no other water source and that they empty all the drinkes before puttin in fresh, their not keen on the stuff. Aaron
  2. you dont mention weather you have experiance or not? bin to collage and there is always that few percentage that thought it was something its not. if you dont have that much experiance go and get in with a local keeper, give them a hand and be as usefull as you can! make sure its what you want to do before you jump on the band wagon. Why not go and move away to a college? give you some independance? wish you luck. Aaron
  3. Joe hit d nail on the head! if ya want money forget about it! if you really want to go into keepering you should go to collage, without that bit of paper no-1 wants ya! if you struggle gettin in with a keeper try contacting your local firearms bobby nd ask him to have a word, he'll no as good as any!
  4. easy fix nd aint expensive full set of decent springs £100
  5. you got it right 60/40. iv got the cooper s/t's on my disco nd am chuffed to bits with them, excellent road manners and bin through sum tricky stuff too!
  6. you shouldnt need to clip there wings, if the resources are there then they wont feel the need to bugger of. there great to have in pens as the will certainly let you know if owts about, but as far as shooting goes, it'll b out of trees!
  7. we buy 8 week old poults for £3.10 and partridge for £4. put aylsbury ducks on flight ponds to call wild duck in. £/cost ratio is very dependent upon weather, insect life and natural food resourses!
  8. wish you all the luck mate, iv just finished two years at sparsholt and have bin keepering for 5 years part time. bin to countless interviews but it aint easy gettin ya foot in the door, especially if ya want to stay put in ya home town. jobs in shootin times r a great way but just be careful as to [bANNED TEXT] they want and what thier like, alot of advertisments just want lads for the hard work in the rearing season! trouble with shoting times is the amount of people lookin there. youd be better off tryin to do a coarse at a collage, if some ones got that bit of paper you aint then garuntee
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