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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. lincolnshire but having a look at one this week ... Good luck, you surely won't struggle to find one there.
  2. Deer use E.coli bacteria to help break down their food, a ruptured gut or the guts being left in too long risk this bacteria getting into the meat, you can't see it obviously so you can't tell if its there or not. You may be totally fine but why take the risk? Feed it to your dogs but start slow if they have never had it before, venison can give some dogs the two bob bits.
  3. I'm an Englishman, I lived in Neath for 4 years. About 2 years ago. I never EVER felt unwelcome, aside from the odd bit of banter which if you take it as it is intended is no bother. By Christ there are some fit women down there that make Essex girls look tame. .
  4. Have aeen fen pheasants fly well out of Norfolk Reed. Can't be too hard to plant.
  5. There are people living around the corner from these scummy c**ts who work for a living and are just a skint. Channel 4 doesn't pay them any mind because it is not good telly. Would be interesting to see the footage that was left out of the programme that doesn't paint the picture that everyone in a council estate is a good for nothing scrounger.
  6. Bullshit. Worst advice ever. I was rowing a fixed seat scull at 8, trained by my grandfather. Keep a close eye on them is all, don't wrap them in bubble wrap. There is no better age for them to get a healthy attitude of respect to water and boats the sooner the better. As has been said, life preservers an helmets. And just keep a close eye on them, above that be careful where you take them, obviously don't have the 3 year old paddling into white water.
  7. I am really enjoying it too. Massive respect for those boys, tough job and they don't seem to abuse their position. Especially the head guy who is bloody impressive - certainly makes good use of his time with his kids and painting murals during quiet periods.
  8. The trouble with putting Alcohol or anything else on Ticks to get rid of them is not wether it works or not. When you do this the tick regurgitates before letting go, same as if you grip the body of the tick. This then passes any disease that the tick is carrying to the host. Get one of the approved tick removing tools like the O Tom, they are less than a fiver, easy to use, better for your ferret and you, and you don't have to waste good lager to get rid of your ticks.
  9. Oh I'm not trying to be big or hard. I just reckon you are putting this poor typing on for effect.
  10. what a fecking hero , pricking eggs and shooting birds out of seasonthen next people will be whinging that there is nothing to shoot Canada Geese fella, not unicorns. Where have you been for the last twenty feckin' years, they're taking over the countryside and local parks! I've a permit to control them on works land and what season are you talking about? They're open or on G/L!They carry decease, are aggressive, ruin golf courses, if they nest on the moor are capable of taking young grouse, and go through some grass on the farms I go on. Ask any farmer if he wants them on. Feck me, what more
  11. Lol. I am loving this. If you are as hard as you are literate I don't have much to worry about. How is it you can hardly type but know what the Latin name for CWD is?
  12. Did you write that equation nonsense up yourself? If so how come your posts read like they are written by a spastic?
  13. Roasted with the guts in Don't knock it until you've tried it. It's sort of like Pâté
  14. Love all game, but my favourite is Woodcock or Snipe, wait until I have 3 or 4 in the freezer and then roast them the traditional way with the guts in.
  15. Porn star and beer critic
  16. I've just started using garlic capsules on mine. So hopefully that will work. The trouble with frontline is that the tick still digs in and THEN it kills it. I am hoping the garlic will stop them digging in in the first place. If not I will try the lavender... Thanks for the tip.
  17. I have been through similar shit. Bin her and forget about her. That's the only way this will end well for you.
  18. Utter utter arseholes. I am sorry to hear about this, I hope your dog is returned to you quickly and the people responsible die of some painful illness of the genitals. Something like syphillis.
  19. The law on access is different in England than it is in Scotland Scothunter. You can't just walk on private land wherever you like down here wether you close gates keep dogs on leads or not. Private is still private.
  20. Do you have wild partridges on the ground? Some wild partridge shoots will only put down Cocks because they don't lay into Partridge nests.
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