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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. I worked as a boy for a blacksmith. He had a regular client who was a Madame or mistress, whatever one of those women you pay to beat the hell out of you is called. She had him make arm and leg restraints, all sorts. Possibly the most disturbing though was some large, stainless steel hooks with an eye on one end to pass a rope through and a ball on the other so you could put it up someone's bum.
  2. Looks like the perfect position to light her farts.
  3. A running dog wouldn't make any difference, I thought from the original post that when the fuzz came to his house they thought he had been using his Spaniel as a running dog. That was my point about their lack of knowledge.
  4. As said before, just use a backpack, Ikea sell heavy duty bags for 50p that you can use as a washable liner.
  5. You aren't trying hard enough.
  6. Could be you need to move the trap location. Sometimes a few feet is all it takes, I like to have mine near a tree they can perch in before they drop into it, If crows are using the trap but not dropping in (I prefer top entry to side entry for crows) check your trigger stick, it may be too heavy.
  7. Return of the hotstepper by ini kamoze
  8. Get in touch with BASC, I suspect the council don't have a leg to stand on, did you get the lapel numbers of the coppers who came to question you about your shotgun? I'd be making a polite complaint and highlighting their lack of knowledge, also saying you are concerned as you are a responsible law abiding citizen and you don't want you reputation tarnished because they don't know the difference between a spaniel and a running dog.
  9. P.s. The rat snaring is f***ing impressive work lads.
  10. I love it. What do people think boar are made of? Should be called a boar tickler.
  11. Absolutely brilliant. Well done you and your lad.
  12. The trouble I have found is that Lurchers have a bad name, thanks to these roaming b*****ds who seem to think its okay to go where they like and pinch scrap metal while they are at it. Suddenly everyone who owns a running dog is a scumbag. Its hard to find a landowner with an open mind as most have had some trouble with tossers. Even if its just tearing up spring wheat with their vehicles. I can understand where they are coming from but it is frustrating, and it doesn't make any sense... If I was a poaching, robbing twat would I ask permission first? Just keep at it, generally onc
  13. As for British and American troops, the British military has always conducted itself with quiet dignity. We know we are the best, we don't need to shout about it.
  14. My utter and complete respect goes out to ANY serving or past member of the British forces. I thank them for their service. I f***ing despise the way the military is portrayed in the media and stories like this are just war porn.
  15. My utter and complete respect goes out to ANY serving or past member of the British forces. I thank them for their service. I f***ing despise the way the military is portrayed in the media and stories like this are just war porn.
  16. A bit of both, some dogs will never make anything, just like people, then again some people are shit dog handlers. Give them the best dog ever bred and it will turn out crap, the best dogs come from a puppy with potential and an experienced, sympathetic trainer who understands how to get that potential out.
  17. You don't have to get fat on caviar! And I don't mean put on 10 stone, think about deer. In October/November if you shoot a female (ignore the males for now so we can rule out rutting behaviour) they are caked in fat, under the skin, around the organs, even in the blood. Shoot a doe after a hard winter (remember what they were like?) and they are as lean as hell. Animals feed like crazy when food is there. That is why humans nowadays get obscenely obese, their body is preparing for a drought or starvation event that never happens by storing unused calories. Its the reason that the first n
  18. Good luck to you if you get on. Not sure if i could do any better than them.or not, but one observation if you do get a place, PREPARE and by that I don't mean take survival lessons, by October Mr and Mrs Mesolithic would have been fattening up, through summer and autumn just like any other animal in preparation for lean times, (not to mention hoarding food but that is out of your hands) so. Before you go get fat.
  19. I was f***ing raging when they chucked Paul out for groping that girl. It was obvious to me it was cooked up by those girls to get rid of him, they were talking before about how they didn't want him there, she was laughing and smiling as she made the accusations, even her mother just feigned mild irritation, if someone had groped and fingered my daughter my wife would be gouging his eyes out. When she accused him he just looked blank. Didn't know what she was talking about. The bloke was a prick but he had the right idea and the right spirit, and was the only one who seemed to reali
  20. Always reassuring to read a post written by someone who knows what he is talking about.
  21. .30-06 is a great calibre and a good choice. Very versatile round, no reason why you can't use it for your long range fixing, as long as your ticket is conditioned as such.
  22. Why and how did this shit make national f***ing news!!!!???
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