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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. If it breaks your heart so much why don't you have one?
  2.    If you use rodenticides in accordance with directions and the Law, making sure they are in species specific and tamper proof containers where required, the chances of poisoning none target species are as close to Zero as you can get.     Secondary poisoning also offers a VERY SMALL risk if you use rodenticides appropriately.   This guy clearly knows his shit. I will delete the stuff in my post that was wrong to avoid confusion and apologise for my ignorance.
  3. The best shooting position is comfortable, and requires no muscle to keep the gun "on target" that is to say that you are just holding the rifle and it is naturally pointing at the target. All you are doing is operating the trigger. All I worry about when adopting a shooting position is having the proper scope picture and following through with the shot. It doesn't matter what shape you make as long as its comfortable.
  4. Just use the 12 and cough loudly as you pull the trigger.
  5. Ha!! b*****d beat me to it.
  6. The gun and cartridges ARE gadgets, when I was a boy I used to climb the trees naked, just covered in mud and wait motionless for pigeons to roost before grabbing them by the feet and despatching them with my teeth. We didn't have any cooker then so I would have to gut them with my fingernails because knives didn't exist, and eat them raw with the feathers on which meant I didn't have to use toilet paper as that was a luxury in those days. Of course we had it tough back then. We used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue. We had tw
  7. If you absolutely have to use poison be careful how you do it, make sure you follow the law regarding its use. It should be covered so that no non target animals can get ahold of it and you should sweep the area regularly to remove any corpses which should then be disposed of responsibly. I am not a pro so i am guessing someone who does it for a living will come along and tell me I am full of sheet.
  8. Either that or its getting more time in the press.
  9. Hope you find out who started it and they get what they deserve.
  10. ALL. and I mean ALL the political parties have dodgy members who do, or say things that are either daft or illegal. UKIP will still be getting my vote.
  11. Japanese POW's suffered a hell of a lot worse than just "horrible beatings. They tested weapons on them, things like setting them on fire to see how long it would take them to die. A truly horrible period of human history.
  12. Anything by Johnny Cash is going to be spectacular, his lyrics tell a story. Boy named Sue When the Man Comes Around Hurt (already been mentioned) Big iron. A few of my favourites.
  13. An extract from an article in The Scotsman dated 2005. "It has also been suggested that Hamilton was part of a paedophile ring, supplying his photographs of scantily clad boys to fellow members, and that some might have been police officers. North said the documents contained no evidence of such activity." Basically the police in Dunblane had many reasons and opportunities to take Hamilton's guns off him before the tragedy, there is a theory that suggests that the reason they didn't was because he was allegedly involved in a peadophile ring with members of the police force... Even the
  14. Agree entirely. Also agree with Neil's polish mates. I always eat surplus cockerels, that's what coq au vin was invented for.
  15. Kind of makes you wonder about the Dunblane conspiracies.
  16. That's another myth that always gripes me, the gym! It seems to have creeped in to popular opinion that to lose weight you HAVE to go to the gym or be more active.... COMPLETE FALLACY! As long as this myth continues to be pushed by all the authorities and experts and Joe in the chip shop normal people who want to shift a stone or two but are not part of any fitness circles will get nowhere. Weight is lost through calorie deficit. Concentrate on your time in the kitchen, forget the gym unless cardiovascular fitness or physical performance is also a consideration. This guy is making a lo
  17. Nice work. Good idea leaving them on the kitchen floor for the missus to skin when she wakes up.
  18. That's the one! He made four or five of them, different sizes.
  19. Hmmmm. Do I google anal hook? Might have to erase the search history afterwards... I'll take your word for it.
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