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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Cut it in half and use it like a suction cup.
  2. Where in the country are you looking to stalk? Some guides will have an estate rifle you can use so you won't need an FAC necessarily. If you are a member of BASC or NGO etc you'll be covered insurance wise.
  3. Hahahahaha. So what you are saying is that if you didn't flash your lights someone would rear end me? Good job you lorry drivers are out there. Unsung heroes of the motorway.
  4. My Patterdale ate rat poison while in the care of a friend. They hadn't realised he had done it. A week later he suddenly went off his food, bleeding gums. I took him to my vet there and then and she diagnosed it instantly. Massive dose of vitamin K by injection and then a 21 day course of tablets. Almost instantly after the injection he began to come around and was back eating his food. A very close scare and an excellent and experienced vet. The thing is. Not all rat poisons are anti coagulants. They don't all produce symptoms straight away and some are much much stronger than
  5. because we can see what's about to overtake us you can't should we apologies for trying to help now How is that helping me though? I am doing 10 plus mph more than you, and a good lorry length ahead by the time you are flashing to let me back in. Whatever is overtaking you next is not really any of my concern.
  6. Can someone answer me something? Not really all that annoying but I have always wondered, when I overtake a lorry on the motorway they always flash to let me back in... Why? I have been driving for more than 20 years, I am more than qualified to decide when I can pull back in. Or are they thanking me for overtaking? Do they expect me to flash my indicators right and left to thank them for letting me back in?
  7. If you catch them.in an estuary and want to eat them. Gut them as soon as they come out the water. They are a very underrated eating fish. I prefer them to bass. Especially barbecued.
  8. Druids can tell the future by looking at an animals entrails, were there any odd men in long hooded robes nearby?
  9. Your man or your one. Irritating that's for sure.
  10. Not sure about this myself but something to consider. What is the protein content of say 10 eggs, how convenient are they to cook, carry and eat? How much powder do you have to mix up to get the same protein value? how convenient is it to carry, eat and consume? I use whey powder as well as eating eggs, meat, fish and nuts in large quantities. I use it for convenience at times of the day when eating half a dozen eggs is well... Awkward. I'm no bodybuilder, more... Long term in training. I don't lift weights to look stacked or get ripped, just to be stronger and fitter and I g
  11. Back in the day... BACK IN THE f***ing DAY? what the f**k is that supposed to mean? Back in the day... Tuesday? Wednesday? f**k of you f***ing c**t.
  12. Pleased to hear you educate rather than just kill them anyway. That's great. Surprised you don't charge a callout fee though.
  13. Any of the modern Autos will cycle a 28g load. I like the Remington M1187 but the Benelli, Beretta, browning, etc etc are all nice shotguns. I don't have much experience with the Winchesters, but have heard some good things. So much so I am contemplating a Winchester 3.5" chambered pump action.
  14. Awesome. I f***ing love haggis on toast. I'll be giving this one a try. Thanks for posting.
  15. I would more than happily eat my dinner off her minge.
  16. Fair play gnasher you know your onions.
  17. Awesome pic of the pike taking the lure.
  18. Everything Gnasher has said is sound, solid advice. Are you a personal trainer or summat like that? You obviously know your shit
  19. f**k I'll bet that saddle stinks!
  20. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyro1uONzoM
  21. Totally agree with the NGO on this. There are much better things they can be doing with that money than a weekend in a tent at a big house trying to recruit members.
  22. I often find videos of people shooting stuff either boring, crass, stupid or just ridiculous. Not this one. I reckon you got it just about right, good content, good length and well edited. Thanks for posting.
  23. Only ever caught 2 or 3 Perch in my life. None as big as that. Cracking fish.
  24. Nice work. Very tempted to get into kayaking myself.
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