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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Buy four parasene garden canes from B&Q, four bolts, 16 washers and some wingnuts. You can make them yourself.
  2. +1 to the fact that Wren's are strict insect eaters. Mealworms, maggots etc etc might lure it out.
  3. Is there a shoot nearby or surrounding the area? It's a pretty small piece, probably not worth releasing birds on, perhaps if there was a nearby keeper you could ask him if you could catch up or rear birds for him? Get a few broodies etc etc, other than that depending on your budgt you could fence it and have it as a big pen for some exotics, golden pheasants maybe?
  4. Freezing will not kill Ticks, it also doesn't kill bacteria. It will kill tapeworm cysts but there is some disagreement as to how long you need to freeze for to be effective. Actually I would have thought it was more of a temperature rather than a time thing. All Sushi served im The UK must be frozen to kill tapeworms by law. I would imagine there is some guidance as to what temperature and how long it should be frozen for. That should be a good guide. Or... Feed dry food.
  5. Freezing will not kill Ticks, it also doesn't kill bacteria. It will kill tapeworm cysts but there is some disagreement as to how long you need to freeze for to be effective. Actually I would have thought it was more of a temperature rather than a time thing. All Sushi served im The UK must be frozen to kill tapeworms by law. I would imagine there is some guidance as to what temperature and how long it should be frozen for. That should be a good guide. Or... Feed dry food.
  6. Many say that, but personally I prefer sparkling ciders. I started with dry blackthorn, paying about 12p a half when I was a teenager (ahem!). At the moment I enjoy most of the Bulmers range and also Magners. I also like many vintage sparkling ciders and French Normandy cider. However I find I can't drink Strongbow - what the hell is it? What is Strongbow? Strongbow is the stuff that comes out of the end of my cock after I have drunk 6 or 8 pints of proper cider.
  7. If you can buy it in a pub or a can, it's fizzy, sweet or clear it ain't cider.
  8. You don't want to listen to a word gnasher says ... He is nearly sixty weighs about 7 stone soaking wet and the only weight he has lifted was the one on the end of his penis when he tried to get it to stretch to more than 2 inches ... He works part time down at the local gym cleaning the sweat off the machines and mopping out the toilets and shower room and that's where he hears all his information ... He has been known to secretly take pictures of the big boys and photoshop his head onto them ... It's all very sad ......... Well I never would have guessed.
  9. I don't know Gnasher but it is always obvious from his posts on weightlifting etc that he knows what he is talking about, and I would imagine that his knowledge is gained largely from experience. He is definitely worth listening to...
  10. That recipe seems to me to be a recipe for exploding bottles. If you drink it quick then it might be okay but be careful if you leave it in the bottles too long, unless you loose off some.of the pressure occasionally.
  11. Bit fishy. You can't get a copper when you need one for love than money and you are saying 3 appeared from nowhere accompanied by armed civilians and nicked you for tresspass?
  12. WTF does that have to do with anything?
  13. She's got me thinking about fly fishing holidays in Iceland.........& I don't even fish! I'd love a taste of her haddock pastie.
  14. Are you stupid or summit he's RONNIE FECKING PICKERING Who?
  15. That Avon doesn't work for me. If it doesnt work for you try Smidge. That seems to work and it's deet free.
  16. Yeah the brow tines are worth a lot of points, I am willing to be proven wrong though. I am not saying they won't make a medal, I just don't think it will be gold. I am on mobile Internet at the moment but if you Google cic red book or something you can get the measuring guidelines and measure them yourself to get an idea.
  17. Difficult to say from a photo, they are bigbheads for sure but the brow tines on the top one let it down, I doubt it makes a gold.
  18. The two little brown trout swimming up that river?
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