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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. A shotgun can have a pistol grip and a full stock... https://www.brownells.com/shotgun-parts/stock-forend-parts/buttstocks/adjustable-length-buttstock-rem-1100-sku159000003-18699-44427.aspx
  2. Despite the efforts of the SNP, Scotland is still part of the UK.
  3. If you buy the Hornady buy A LOT. Upcoming REACH legislation will make them illegal in this country in the near future.
  4. Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle dixie?
  5. I sympathise with FD, and it's the truth, the c**ts that do this sort of stuff have no respect for their quarry. They are the people who give proper dog men a bad reputation and they push landowners to do things like that to avoid having their property trashed, equipment stolen etc etc. The only way to stop them is to stop it being worth their while.
  6. another divvy shooter shooting all the hares I'm sick of seeing hares wiped out in areas by clowns with guns never mind you sick of the coursing... Your kind always come unstuck prick in Barbour jacket trying to give it the big en... Keep coursing especially you Wiltshire lads I would do and have done the same as Foxdropper, and it worked.
  7. You ran away with your tail between your legs.haha?. I say leave em to it, youll never stop them. Found better permission because of it too. Did me a favour.? what would you suggest then? This is THL so obvioisly i'd get cammed up and bury myself in a fox hole. When they showed up i'd single handedly beat them into a bloody pulp with my hands tied behind my back.
  8. You ran away with your tail between your legs.
  9. 900? I don't envy you, there's no way i'd ever move to the big city. Good luck.
  10. Born hunter has hit the nail on the head.
  11. That's not true. Nowhere in the states can you purchase a fully automatic rifle. You can apply for a licence which is costly and a long process. No fully automatics have been produced for the civillian market since 1986.
  12. Of course our gun laws are never going to reflect the freedom they have in the states, but that has no bearing on tragedies such as this.
  13. Thats the point you are missing. It didn't. and it won't. Crimes perpetrated in the uk with handguns since they were banned have increased.
  14. Since the knee jerk reaction to Dunblane that saw pistols banned, crimes involving handguns in the UK have increased.
  15. Would I? Remember all those bystanders that watched the Lee Rigby killings? What if I hop in my car and go on a hit and run spree... look up Matthew Tvrdon Cardiff. My point is it's the intent, not the tool.
  16. So our gun laws are what stopped the Manchester bombing? The knife attacks in london? The 7th of July london underground bombing? Oh, no, wait.
  17. And what part of our law not letting us have guns can bring back the people at the Manchester concert and London Bridge, to name 2 attacks? We are permitted to possess guns providing we are not loonies or have a history of violence and plan to use them legitimately. In America any idiot can buy an assault rifle. Anyone can hire a van here. My point is banning one weapon won't stop fanatics killing Exactly. As i said in the other thread about the Las Vegas shootings, A man in a lorry killed 86 in Nice last year and yet... Nobody wants to ban HGV's. The people wbo do this are evil and wi
  18. And what part of our law not letting us have guns can bring back the people at the Manchester concert and London Bridge, to name 2 attacks? We are permitted to possess guns providing we are not loonies or have a history of violence and plan to use them legitimately. In America any idiot can buy an assault rifle. Anyone can hire a van here. My point is banning one weapon won't stop fanatics killing Exactly. As i said in the other thread about the Las Vegas shootings, A man in a lorry killed 86 in Nice last year and yet... Nobody wants to ban HGV's. The people wbo do this are
  19. Its not in topics you started, just the sprocker ad. I'd name the fella, could well save someone elses misplaced trust. & give a genuine lad a chance of a result. (instant karma) Yep. I'd name the f***ing despicable c**t.
  20. An evil evil act. In my opinion these acts are perpetrated by people who are hell bent on killing, for whatever reason, and, they will do so no matter what laws are put in place, or tools they have at hand. Look at the Manchester bombing for example. A man in a lorry in Nice, France killed 86 last year, we haven't banned HGV's. It's very easy to point the finger at guns and blame them for these atrocities but in my opinion that shows a lack of basic intelligence. If i stood an assault rifle in the corner of a room, loaded, safety catch off what would happen? Nothing. They ar
  21. Its total f***ing wank AND not one of the actors can do a convincing accent, or even maintain a consistent unconvincing one.
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