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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Her teaching career, success or failure should be based on her merit as a teacher. Underwear modelling isn't illegal and in my opinion isn't even immoral. Whoever dobbed her in should be ashamed and whoever took the complaint seriously wants their arse kicking.
  2. Also Deerhound do people still use the vibrating consolidation rollers? f***ing things used to drive me nuts. Vrrrr vrrrrr vrrrrr.
  3. The other thing I didn't mention is not only the resin. There is glass matt and there is glass matt. Different densities of chopped strand will obviously cost more or less... I haven't done any glassing in a bloody long time but I would be looking at doing a complex of chopped strand, biaxial matt and then chopped strand again, whereas some may try to get away without the biaxial matt or even just use a single layer of chopped strand. Deerhound sounds like he knows his stuff so may advise better on this but again be wary of a cheap job because it could mean they are using shite matt.
  4. I thought he meant that most of the derogatory comments about the Queen came from the rice fields.
  5. There are a lot of people doing fiberglass roofing that really haven't got a clue. Done right glass should NEVER crack in heat or sun otherwise there would be a lot of sunken yachts in the Med! The trouble with glass is that despite some people's observations of how easy it is to lay there is actually a lot of science involved in the curing process, depending on what type of resin and catalyst you use mixing down to the mm can be very important... And yes, moisture or a shower of rain can f**k the whole job up. Surface prep is so important, not just the material but making it dust fr
  6. One thing they never got was the good look charms as they all look like they got chucked out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down look like horses crossed with lizardsI could say the same thing about every diddycoy I ever met.You've obviously never met one Unfortunately I have met plenty.
  7. One thing they never got was the good look charms as they all look like they got chucked out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down look like horses crossed with lizards I could say the same thing about every diddycoy I ever met.
  8. I have similar but just Mars bars.
  9. And they wonder why people fly tip.
  10. Yeh, we should all hide and keep our lifestyle a secret to be ashamed of in case someone thinks we deserve to get pinched, jailed and sodomised until you can't distinguish a fart from a yawn. Yup.
  11. Well then you have nothing to worry about do you?
  12. So what if he is? If you or anyone else has any sense they wouldn't post incriminating evidence in this website or any other. If however you are stupid enough to think that boasting about your endeavours on the Internet makes you a big hard gangstarrrrrr with enormous balls and a cock like a babies arm holding an apple then you deserve to get pinched, jailed and sodomised until you can't distinguish a fart from a yawn. You make us all look like idiots.
  13. you dont put coke (or Ice) with real whisky ... thats what Jack Daniels is for!! That's okay. Jamesons isn't real whiskey.
  14. What are you looking to get out of it? Do you mean Dsc?
  15. Clarkson is and always has been a c**t.
  16. What are they doing to cause issues on the greens and fairways. ?. Brooding the golf balls?
  17. I'd let her get her hands on my pump any day. Weeeeeeeeaaaaaaaayyyyyy
  18. I know mate.... wouldn't be so bad lumping the scots in as well whilst we were at it though.. I had a girlfriend from Glasgow in my teens. Proper dirty she was. So for that reason I will let the Scots off the torpedoing.
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