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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Juat another consideration, what is Vortex after sales service like? I know Swarovski have reduced their lifetime guarantee down to 10 years...
  2. In fact Vortex do a monocular that I have heard good things about, I think it's around £ I am probably going to get one of them for stalking in shit weather in tight cover, at the moment I leave the bins in the van but I could have that little monocular in my pocket and have the best of both worlds.
  3. My mate bought his vortex bins round not long ago, 10x42, got to be honest, side by side I honestly couldn't tell the difference visually between them.and my Swarovski El's. It was middle of the day mind you but we were watching packs of teal dabble at the foreshore and flying over the saltings and like I say they were definitely on a par. So much so that if I didn't already have the EL's I would seriously consider a pair of Vortex myself.
  4. I wouldn't waste them on cleaning your gun, just pop them in your coat pockets so you can have a good old sniff while you are out and about.
  5. I never watched the video, the description was enough. Deserve every beating they get.
  6. If they can smell the dog then generally they can smell you too.
  7. Yeah if the wind is right the dog will often mark it before I spot it. On your second point the Deer don't know the dog is there. I have normally shot them before they have a chance to find out.
  8. Fair enough Cushty. Thanks for the input. I need to see some before I decide. If Rabid is right maybe the stuff you saw hadn't established yet?
  9. Thanks very much Rabid. What makes you say that cushty?
  10. As good a reason as any. Good luck with the litter.
  11. I got carried away by a Jay as a child. I was 5 years old. Luckily I managed to make my escape by grabbing a stick as we went over some tree tops, then, when we were close to the ground I reached up and forcibly inserted the stick into it's bum hole. The resultant shock forced the Jay to release it's grasp of my shoulders and I fell to the ground. I awoke several hours later in a daze, miles from home, dressed in dungarees and a t shirt as night fell, luckily I was taken in and fostered by a vixen, who, though smelly provided me warmth and sustenance over the coming years. I was
  12. Matey boy pushing on the front made all the difference I reckon.
  13. Wish i'd read this before i'd wiped my arse on it... Or do I? Can they get Dna out of skid marks?
  14. Has anybody got any experience of this stuff... http://www.scottbeckpaving.co.uk/grass_guard.html I want to put it down out the front of my house, hoping it will look like a lawn but i'll be able to park cars on it
  15. Not cynical... Realistic. Bear Grylls says at the start he has provided them with all they need to survive so I assume that things like that net are planted there to give them a chance. I think they put fowl and pigs on the island too. The program is more about the choices they make for me and the consequences than their survival abilities. Before the program starts you know they wouldn't stand a f***ing chance if left to fend for themselves.
  16. Wish they would do one in alaska or somewhere that isn't tropical.
  17. Yeah I agree witb fieldsporthunter. Not condoning it at all but I think there is more here than meets the eye
  18. I disagree. If Gap have a store there'll be protesters outside of it because of that White Power add. The protest will soon turn to a riot and the store gets looted by all the walked on victims of racism.So how will that help Gap ? When the rioting & looting start give me a shout. In my opinion this is constructed by clever marketers to trigger a reaction (most likely pre-planned) from the apparent ethnic victims. Whereas any sane person, black or white, wouldn't see anything 'racist' or offensive at all.., and then Gap are portrayed as actually being good guys. Job done without having to
  19. I wonder how many people. Members of this site included have seen this advert just because of this story? I'm no conspiracy theorist but could this have been cooked up as a cheap way to get people to view the ad?
  20. Iroko is horrible shit. I heard of a guy who got an Iroko spelk in his arm and it went all rotten. Nearly lost his whole arm.
  21. I don't believe a word that's written in the f***ing things so why would I pay for it?
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