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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Careful. It affects a piece of the brain called Shatners Bassoon.
  2. I am on the same page as BH but... Just for fun... In any occasion. Shotgun. f**k 12g. Not big enough to handle charging rhino. Go for a Remington SP10 poke for goose shooting, and 10guage solid slugs just in case you get tangled up with a hippo on the foreshore. Load some nice little 2 ounce 6's for pigeons. Rifles. Obviously 22RF enough said. .30-06 for everything you'll encounter im the UK Henry martini action. 45-70 for playing with And a barrett. 50 cal for when the wheels fall of society.
  3. Stay well clear of ridgeline. Already been said vut I want to get the message across. They are f***ing garbage.
  4. I did that in a Peugeot 206.
  5. f**k. It's frustrating me already. All the emotional shite. I'm not interested in that shit. Anyine noticed that not one of them look like they have never done a hard days work in their life? Slopey shoulders and spindly arms. Mind you the Canadian girl has a nice pair of tits.
  6. I habe the exact same observations. Weed turned alot of my childhood friends into proper dopey drop outs... That said, the effects of alcohol abuse aren't pretty either.
  7. If I hadn't been born a boy i'd have had nothing to play with.
  8. I cant seem to get on with cider again all these Strongbows and Old English whatever their called seem a bit fizzy i just cant abide fizzy drinks.................but then i guess ciders similar to ale in that it varies region to region....or not ?.....nice thirst quencher though cider from the little ive had.NO NO NO NO NO forget all that strongbow bullmers nonsense real made scrumpy from local sources that's the way to go ... Whenever I work down the west country way in the summer I always look out for the cider signs on the farms ... All the big flash colourful signs get ignored until I see
  9. I was at a wedding the weekend of the result. Some woman at the table was talking about the referendum and said we are leaving Europe because a load of retards voted us out... I said quite calmly that I had voted to leave the EU. Her face screwed up as if she had just smelt the worst fart anyone had ever laid. I think she was expecting to see me shot down in flames as the other people on the table laid into me but guess what... The rest of them bar her husband had voted to leave too! 6 out of 8... I just said who's the retard now then love? She never spoke another word
  10. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.Yes Walshie has many likes from me lately maybe he should get into politics, i hear there is a vacancy coming up. Walshie for PM? He's got my vote.
  11. for fucks sake. you Mods need a like button. that's about the hundreth time I have agreed with your political standpoint regarding the referendum l.
  12. I am getting well and truly pissed off with the news coverage... it's so f***ing negative. more than half the country voted to leave, at least be positive about it BBC you bunch of c**ts.
  13. I reckon the quicker they overturn that f***ing stupid ban the better.
  14. P.s. Charlize Theron is mine... If you disagree then... Lets take it offline!
  15. Totally agree with Walshie. I don't understand "coming out." like its a big deal or a big song and dance. I couldn't care a f**k who anyone chooses to have sex with full stop, homosexuals, heterosexuals, bisexuals. It's none of my f***ing business. He's been cleared of the allegations of paedophilia, who cares if he lives with a bloke? Who cares if he bums him twice nightly? Doesn't make a shits worth of difference. I also don't understand this f***ing gay pride, the marches and the brand... How can you have pride in your sexuality? Why celebrate it? I don't f***ing Ma
  16. Load of wank. I actually didn't mind Matt but Chris Evans is a c**t.
  17. No comment from BASC yet defending the organisation? and yet Peterm is keen enough to advertise the courses on here that you have to pay to go on.
  18. f**k 'em. I hope the whole thing crashes down around them and they are usurped by an organisation that actually delivers what they promise rather than lines their pockets.
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