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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. How has the hunting act had that great an effect on Roe populations? Are you saying before the ban dog men were killing that many Roe in Scotland but not in England?
  2. I pluck them while they are still warm, as soon after you've killed them as possible. Then you can hang them after if you like. Be interested to hear what the op does.
  3. I wouldnt say poor habitat means there should be none, just means that they do not populate in large numbers. I might be wrong. I don't think you are wrong. To be truthful I haven't a clue, it's all just guesses. Of all the species of deer when it comes to fecundity Roe should spread the fastest really, they can have 2 sometimes (rarley) 3 kids every 12 months so why they aren't in great numbers in the Midlands with strong populations North and South is a mystery. Maybe the Yam Yams are just really efficient Roe killers?
  4. There has to be a habitat, climate or food issue that haults an animals spread. Chinese water deer suffer high fawn mortality rates and prefer arable farmland or phragmites reed beds etc, i woukd say that a mixture of unsuitable habitat and food has slowed their spread exacerbated by their fawn mortality rates. I would suggest you are right for Roe. They are selective browsers so maybe again in the Midlands what ground there is is perhaps lacking suitable browse. I believe the Roe one is habitat simply because the Roe that are here seem to generally be in cracking health. They don't
  5. There has to be a habitat, climate or food issue that haults an animals spread. Chinese water deer suffer high fawn mortality rates and prefer arable farmland or phragmites reed beds etc, i woukd say that a mixture of unsuitable habitat and food has slowed their spread exacerbated by their fawn mortality rates. I would suggest you are right for Roe. They are selective browsers so maybe again in the Midlands what ground there is is perhaps lacking suitable browse.
  6. Tits fully out? That's a deal breaker.
  7. Been said before but stay away from ridgeline unless you are sitting perfectly still. Any movement or increase in temperature and... BAM! Condensation city! It keeps the rain out but you just get wet from the inside and really... Wet is wet. It's cheap. And for the cost it is very rugged stuff. Seems to take a lot of abuse and I definitely abuse mine, because I hate it. Still, once I have killed it I won't replace it with another. I'll probably use an old bin bag or some silage wrap instead.
  8. Yup. If that's not available then anything I can get my hands on.
  9. f**k dogs, who cleans up after Cushty?
  10. It was on BBC 2 last year. Fascinating documentary. I don't know that I really agree with commercial whaling nowadays but I would love to have lived in those guys shoes, it must have been a massive adventure.
  11. On a cold day you can keep them warm by holding them between your lips. If you detect that the little blighter is still distressed try humming a happy tune like "La cucaracha"
  12. Maybe they aren't picking on peoole who look like they can defend themselves.
  13. you'd think the black lads would be into it. even if only with spears.
  14. Whatever it is it's shat there more than once I reckon, you got a trail camera?
  15. Not like that. Much smaller pellet, you can see bits of exoskeleton and wings in some, and they are powdery to the touch whereas mouse crap will smear.
  16. Can I ask what is the point? Why have a ferret you can't handle that is going to breed 4 generations of ferrets you can't handle when you Could just get a domestic ferret you can handle that will breed kits you can handle.
  17. f***ing brilliant. I just bought the box set.They're all on 4od for free! ? Balls!
  18. f***ing brilliant. I just bought the box set.
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