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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. Heap them uo and let them rot, they get a little red worm in them that the ducks love.
  2. I just read the "pheasant feeds a family of four" bit. Not in my house. I will eat a pheasant to myself. f**k sharing.
  3. I much prefer to pluck, I love crispy skin on a roast bird... That said sometimes it's a right pain so i'll skin them. I find pheasants much easier to pkuck out as soon after death as possible, ideally when they are still warm Ducks pluck a peice of piss.
  4. CCI groups fine in my rifle, rws is no less waxy than Eley.
  5. Nice work and a lovely pair of tennis racquets for your troubles
  6. Try the CCI segmented ammo, no grease on them.
  7. Christmas market?! BAH f***ing HUMBUG
  8. Yeah i'd love to. Wouldn't know where to start on price.
  9. Any one of you boys that can pluck a nostril hair without wincing is a harder man than me.
  10. What do you think an AK is????? What do you think one is?
  11. I don't understand... They were waiting for him outside with AK's AND they bombed his car? Why didn't they just shoot him?
  12. If they had any respect they wouldn't play.
  13. Ya mates chatting shite, no Irishman could hit a harrier with a bullet.... Well he has a huge scar from the .50cal (I believe it was) round that hit him, I guess it could've been a tourist I wasn't saying you or he is lying I was saying I agree with socks's thinking as to why I've been working with him today so he's been telling me bits and bobs when I ask him. He doesn't go into deep detail giving me events in chronological order so I'm explaining the best I can. The major points are true that two men were waiting outside for him with guns and on another occasion there was an explosive at
  14. I would agree but feel a bit hypocritical as I have just spaffed an hour sat in my work van reading THL!
  15. I like Oban. Had a tour of the distillery when I was 8 or 9. Still remember it vividly. Ardbeg is nice too. I occasionally get given bottles of other stuff, Grouse etc etc. It's piss by comparison, I use it to liven up my coffee and cure Salmon before I smoke it.
  16. Anyway I hope we get a cold spell and a dump of snow. Flatten the f***ing bracken and grass for a start. Get things out and feeding where I can shoot them.
  17. YES YES f***ing YES. I hear the berries on the trees crap all the time from the guys I work with. Does my f***ing swede in.
  18. And the English lads can't comment because coursing Hares in England is illegal. Unless of course they are talking about what they used to do prior to the ban.
  19. I felt a bit uneasy in those places to mate ....... mind you I was wearing camouflage at the time lol ....... Cammo has always been a bit of a difficult one to carry off. Although I am surprised a fashion faux pas made you feel uneasy.
  20. Won't it blow away?know because for it to work properly it has to be attached to a human head, Silly me. Is thay why the American Indians used to bury whitemen in the sand up to their necks?
  21. Boil them one by one in Malt vinegar.
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