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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. as oppose to where?The vadge. are they not the same? Chuffer means arse.
  2. as oppose to where? The vadge.
  3. I knew when I saw thw name mentioned I had heard of him and then I came across that article and remembered this thread. Dodgy f****r by the sounds of things. I know a guy from the Fc I might ask him if he knows him
  4. I would, right up the chuffer!
  5. Mushy peas make me fart something wicked.
  6. No pets OR gravy. The only thing I want with fish and chips is another piece of fish.
  7. Don't know mate. I've only ever tried CCI (no problems) and Eleys. Eleys are more accurate in my gun, but when you want a follow up shot...grrr. There's your answer mate. Only fire one shot per outing.
  8. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/news/high-profile-deer-stalker-convicted-of-poaching-28197 I knew that name rung a bell, just came across this.
  9. I do neatsfoot oil, let it soak in then dubbin over the top. Seems to keep them from drying out, and helps to prevent that scuffing from the heather.
  10. Probably don't mention anal. He should at least 12 before he finds out about that.
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