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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. They look fine to me, might get stuck in the barrell if you use a semi auto though
  2. I have done a couple of Movembers, I just used hair gel, Dax wax worked for me fine.
  3. Cheers pal, I got so much on at the moment that I think it would be unwise to start another hobby, but..... What would you say would be a cheap starter metal detector that would get decent results but I could see if I enjoyed it first before I invest too much into it?
  4. Fair play mate. Thanks for the reply. Every day's a school day.
  5. I don't think it's sad. You've held my interest so far... Or am I a sad twat too? I don't think it's sad. You've held my interest so far... Or am I a sad twat too? Haha. Maybe we are both sad twats! I tend to spend a lot of time doing research on the local area looking for long lost footpaths and where old houses have been and now gone. My favourite farm is one that is about 100 yards away from an old church. The monks used to live in the old farmhouse and walk across to and from the church, ive found some good stuff in those fields, back then you could basically "buy" your way to heave
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04jy45z Anybody seen this?
  7. Just out of interest would he keep that fish or return it? Never done much freshwater river fishing but I am assuming that fish is destined for the pot?
  8. I don't think it's sad. You've held my interest so far... Or am I a sad twat too?
  9. Stay away frim harkila boots. Meindl or Altberg are a good bet.
  10. Any value in them or do you collect them for interest?
  11. With a metal detector? lol IMPOSSIBLE lol POSSIBLEHow do you detect flint with a metal detector? That's what I was asking. Or was the axe head a coincidental find? Ah, get what your saying, i got the wrong end of the stick.Ive found 'lithic' flint bladelets/knifes when out detecting- no your correct, the detector wont pick them up but when your detecting near tumuli you dig down and happen upon them if your lucky. If the lad found a 6000 yr old axe head it could be bronze age, that started roughly 5000/6000 years ago i think so its not impossible. I see, I wondered if there was some
  12. Probably just her time of the month. I bet a big old gorilla like that can throw a hell of a tammy huff.
  13. With a metal detector? lol IMPOSSIBLE lol POSSIBLE How do you detect flint with a metal detector? That's what I was asking. Or was the axe head a coincidental find?
  14. Dogfox for providing me with literally pages of entertainment to read while I have a dump.
  15. I dont know why noone has made the correlation but... There is no trophy lion hunting in the UK... And there are no lions. Surely that's proof that lion hunting helps lion numbers.
  16. To be perfectly honest they aren't rare. Logically speaking their presence in the south east shouldn't halt construction of anything. The legislation governing Gcn is European... They are rare on the continent but I would suggest that most suitable habitat in the south East, Midlands, and North of England will have them. Oh well, never mind, I was just pleased to see one as we mainly get palmates around here. The farmer has put a new wildlife pond in a couple of fields away so maybe the male I saw will make it to that pond instead of the temporary pond near where I found him...or I could
  17. To be perfectly honest they aren't rare. Logically speaking their presence in the south east shouldn't halt construction of anything. The legislation governing Gcn is European... They are rare on the continent but I would suggest that most suitable habitat in the south East, Midlands, and North of England will have them. Oh well, never mind, I was just pleased to see one as we mainly get palmates around here. The farmer has put a new wildlife pond in a couple of fields away so maybe the male I saw will make it to that pond instead of the temporary pond near where I found him...or I could
  18. To be perfectly honest they aren't rare. Logically speaking their presence in the south east shouldn't halt construction of anything. The legislation governing Gcn is European... They are rare on the continent but I would suggest that most suitable habitat in the south East, Midlands, and North of England will have them.
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