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Everything posted by Hydropotesinermis

  1. f**k off mate! Nobody knows anything about that. Even women!
  2. It's the same with all country sports related stories good or bad, they are always so far of the mark.
  3. I've missed this, I might start breeding running dogs on the side though. Bull cross?
  4. When I drink I am a twat AND a dickhead. Not in my behaviour but in the fact that I don't know how to stop. So drinking water is not an optiin because going to sleep by choice is not an option. Basically I drink until I pass out. Wake up a few hours later probably naked or woth cocks drawn on my face with a mouth like Ghandis flip flops and a head that feels like there's an angry midget in there. My usual tactic is to drunk as much water as I can if that doesn't make me puke then I try and eat as soon as possible. Ideally a fry up but anything at hand. Paracetamol and then get outsid
  5. In Wales yes, he fled England for the land of peace and calm. TC I spent a bit of time in Port Talbot. Peace and calm are not two words that spring to mind. are the two words shit and hole lol Exactly the two words I had in mind.
  6. In Wales yes, he fled England for the land of peace and calm. TC I spent a bit of time in Port Talbot. Peace and calm are not two words that spring to mind.
  7. In one of Nic Cage's films (can't remember which), he says "I only trust two people in this world. One of them is me, the other one's not you !"Con air ? Possibly the best film ever made.
  8. I have never met him but I heard he's seven foot tall and can shoot lightening bolts out of his arse!
  9. I f***ing hate Christmas music. Bah humbug!
  10. Four days ago around a thousand muzzies blocked off belgrave square shouting allah akhbar and demanding a calliphate,theres video of it online,never saw mainstream media reporting it though. Is that because the media has been told not to report it so everyone thinks everything is tickedy boo? I'd give the bstards what they crave, a one way ticket to paradise. Or because the tribes getting their kaftans in a twist is no longer newsworthy? Or maybe giving them news coverage furthers their cause? Or gets thrm the attention or infamy they crave? Not sure that came out the way you int
  11. It takes a real wanker to video himself being a wanker, and then an even bigger wanker to post that up on YouTube for the world to see.
  12. Four days ago around a thousand muzzies blocked off belgrave square shouting allah akhbar and demanding a calliphate,theres video of it online,never saw mainstream media reporting it though. Is that because the media has been told not to report it so everyone thinks everything is tickedy boo? Or because the tribes getting their kaftans in a twist is no longer newsworthy? Or maybe giving them news coverage furthers their cause? Or gets thrm the attention or infamy they crave?
  13. I used to think STIFFMEISTER was a c**t. Having said that a lot of what he has said on this thread makes a lot of sense in calling out some hypocrisy within our Midst. I think he is much less of a c**t now. You have to admit he has a point, whether you like it or not. Personally I think these boys that got caught are wankers, I can't see the attraction of videoing or photographing anything I do really. I don't have a Facebook, this is the closest thing I do to social media. I can't condone poaching having had run ins with poachers myself but I understand the sentime
  14. He PM'd me and we had a chat. Turns out he's not as much of a c**t as I first thought...
  15. Can anyone recommend any books on the subject?
  16. If you could attach your coils to your feet you could say you were just testing out your new snow shoes..
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