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Everything posted by lad101

  1. Saluki bull grey .. Mam was first cross saluki grey Dad was a first cross bull grey
  2. Comparing a saluki bull grey to deerhound grey ain't really a fare comparison? If you was looking to compare a deer grey to a saluki as an alrounder I personally think the deer grey is a better alrounder for killing reds and stinkers a swell as catching rabbits and hare how many can say they have seen a saluki grey love going into reds and stinkers without having bull in them ? Maybe the odd 1 or 2
  3. Like the look of that light rough coated dog hows it bred
  4. Any lads on here tried it down aberavon way to sea fish im new to this sea fishing so was looking for places for me and my boy to try
  5. I don't know how mate if you got what's app inbox me your number il send it through that
  6. Anyone interested in buying my bitch saluki greyhound 4 year old been a brilliant bitch just ain't got the time to work her anymore would like her to go to a good working home
  7. No mate down tenby and yea he was
  8. Anyone know what fish this is l? Little boy had while out mackerel fishing
  9. My mate had it off internet I think it was amazon lol thanks lads
  10. Thanks mate looking foward to the season
  11. My 2 ready for season starts mother and daughter saluki bull greyhounds Fawn caught back end of last season so looking foward to this one with her
  12. Good breed in my eyes even better with a bit of bull in the mix
  13. Don't get me wrong bull x are obv the main choice for it but like all crosses get good and bad they i don't care what you say they ain't allrounders u try running a bull x or 2 hares then get him to catch a fox and kill see how you get off that's the point in making with saluki and majority of these so cold bull x around now have got saluki in them .... and another point I made in previous comment my bull x was retrieving perfect in training but once she had the first rabbit and it made a noise she just shock it and left it there
  14. Ye but if u lamp rabbits, long ears,reds and deer I see saluki type is more for it if you got one that will take foxes, as I said above I got a bull x bitch which is a nearly 3/4 grey 1/4 bull but [BANNED TEXT] u run rabbits she just kills and leaves even tho he retrieving training was spot on, so really she's only good for one thing, when I lamp I expect my dog to retrieve rabbits back to my hand.. I'm not looking to replace her just as a partner for her as my.other bitch is getting on
  15. No get a pup and see if it makes the grade lol I never buy an older dog
  16. It would be handy to get a saluki greyhound for future breeding if it made the grade
  17. I got bull x bitch [BANNED TEXT] I run her on rabbits she but kills them and leaves them there or bring half way back even tho her retrieving dummys was spot on ?
  18. I agree mate normally people use bull x for foxes and big game I own a bull x my self but I'm fancying a saluki greyhound they seem more all round
  19. Anyone used saluki greyhounds for foxes ? And what were they like if you did
  20. Any one got a planned litter of bedlington greyhounds or Weaton greyhounds?
  21. Any one got a planned litter of bedlington greyhounds or Weaton greyhounds?
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