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Everything posted by jross

  1. Ted was used quite a lot over bitchs but AC did not breed him,AC bred his father Nigger.That is correct TP bread ted but is it not also correct that AC himself brought bitches to ted for the service?????We will let AC answer that one himself,but i doubt it as i reckon he had enough stud dogs of his own.no bother fat man I just said I'd ask as I have some stuff related to the dogs in question and you seem to no a lot about what AC does!! And from reading a lot of your posts on here I was thinking that you new everything :) But maybe you Don't?????? be a very boring life if we all knew everyth
  2. Ted was used quite a lot over bitchs but AC did not breed him,AC bred his father Nigger.That is correct TP bread ted but is it not also correct that AC himself brought bitches to ted for the service????? We will let AC answer that one himself,but i doubt it as i reckon he had enough stud dogs of his own. no bother fat man I just said I'd ask as I have some stuff related to the dogs in question and you seem to no a lot about what AC does!! And from reading a lot of your posts on here I was thinking that you new everything :) But maybe you Don't??????
  3. Ted was used quite a lot over bitchs but AC did not breed him,AC bred his father Nigger. That is correct TP bread ted but is it not also correct that AC himself brought bitches to ted for the service?????
  4. ya you can buy it over the phone and they deliver!!
  5. looks spot on that gear that pal, do you order it on line bud? I bought mine in the ballistic ireland shop in wexford its great stuff!! This is there site http://www.ballistech.ie/ or there on facebook to there facebook page is called (ballistech ltd) you can buy it over the phone from the shop and they will deliver it!!
  6. Graff gear lads is the way to go its very good!! Look up graff hunting gear on the net!!
  7. no jamesom its not heavy its perfect gear for irish weather its soft and noiseless and breedable and waterproof it almost sounds to good to be through but its not its great gear!! It dont snag much eather in cover!!Ya??. Jesus it sounds like the one so. Are yiu wearing it long. I've been reading up about jackets for the past two weeks and I've narrowed it down to the graff gear and the solognac 500. Sorry now for all the questions but what's the sizing like 2 years and I cant fault it!! I take xl in a jacket and thats what i got and it fits well plenty of room go a size bigger than usual in t
  8. no jamesom its not heavy its perfect gear for irish weather its soft and noiseless and breedable and waterproof it almost sounds to good to be through but its not its great gear!! It dont snag much eather in cover!!
  9. Breathable? Would you sweat much traipsing through fields for a shot? no you wouldn't sweat in this gear its top class its not heavy gear!! And very quiet!!
  10. Graff Russian hunting gear is top class its bratex 100% waterproof its breedable and soft material so its noise free and it dont be snagging on bushes!! I have it 2 seasons and cant fault it an there is a shop in wexford that sells it its around €200 for the jacket and dungarees pants!! If you look up (graff hunting clothing) on google you will see the site!!
  11. With a bit of luck he will turn up have you any pictures of him?
  12. R.I.P ron!! Sorry for your loss.
  13. This was the best layout of all the shows I was at last year looking forward to this one!!
  14. Do anyone have dogs related to the bruno dog in this pic?? I heard he was a great dog to produce good terriers!
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