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aaron the coursing man

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Everything posted by aaron the coursing man

  1. how do I donate how do I get in touch with
  2. totally agree with you jim to many liars in this game
  3. my dads has a dog that had a fractured neck Jamie seen it [BANNED TEXT] it was recouvering its now running and killing big nums
  4. depends if someone is stupid enough to send a dog that far instead of getting the dog on the rabbit not referring you c hall just anyone in jenral
  5. I there decent enough am out on a fell walk in the morning with them its going to kill me
  6. this is red that had endless stamina pure wind capacity very klingy dog tho if I got out to run something and my dad was in car it would run back to car for him if he was in field it was a different storey
  7. an hour with the air rifle ken shot a hare and as soon as its dark out running rabbits
  8. well done jim al get my picture up shortly [BANNED TEXT] got time sound hard work up them hills in that weather
  9. steady is experience if your on about lamping gain 20 is a food for when a dogs on a rest period if you feed them it mix a lot of meat in regular
  10. my bitch I have out of breeze and red haz been tested all over the littler brother bit heavier but decent dog plenty of stamina not world beaters but make me happy
  11. yea was it a big black dog if it was big daz owned solo for a long time
  12. aw you must be the lad a got it of Newcastle way cheers for info
  13. three quarter minshaw quarter mearl eve I have a one of red but wont let me resize it I will try again later
  14. 55% protein dry food as anybody used it and how does it effect performance is it to high in protein wood I need meat still cheers aaron
  15. used mk3 box and coller will swap for a mark 1 box and coller but must be in perfect working order like when was bought
  16. whippets are short bursts nothing more thers a good 1 that pops up on here every now and then
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