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aaron the coursing man

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Everything posted by aaron the coursing man

  1. pair of minshaw dogs as pups out of red and the 3 wheeler I had some good nights out in that was a beast
  2. that's a milky bunny they go lyk that sumertime
  3. Divvyboys dont get me excited can see what you are daywalkers dogs wont of lasted on lamp fact
  4. them dogs will be fit as out a was wanting to have a look [BANNED TEXT] I was thru but Jamie said they were at other house I liked the look of the fen bitch
  5. 13 single 16 double people go on about them being easy at night its all about nums at night id like to see the daytime lads that say it have run after run and see if they can keep going they've tried to do it and failed dogs for day dogs for lamp I say ya want different in both daytime stuff is bread to run long bursts a lamp dog ya want to run loads of short bursts a man I no up here is a big lamping man his brother big coursing man on fens and hes tried the daytime stuff on lamp they don't last but the brother that had a dog that done 16 single on lamp picture evidence coudent kill on fen d
  6. proper style jim the frying pan on the stick fire
  7. Whats a Minshaw? Cheers, D. a type of lurcher obviously your just trying to start sumet up just leave it
  8. ha ha the man in the pub dosent have a clue line ur dog it either has speed or it hasent
  9. hers a few [BANNED TEXT] I cort jim mate
  10. socks nice dog abet she can spin in daytime looks very fast
  11. Thanks Brazer...I will measure the pups this week when they are 7 month old,I reckon the black & tan will be about 26tts at a guess? Both are quite a bit bigger than my cur x and he's about 24tts...make little odds to me as long as they serve a purpose? ... I'm quietly confident at this stage that they will? haveyou not been out with the swift dog latelly
  12. that buddy cudent kill a longear in a phnebox with the bottom netted my friends brother owened the dog it was a pile of mutter
  13. LOL fukc me don't you start ... What have done to you now ??? ........... as long as your happy with dog dosent mater to [NO TEXT TALK] else when shit its the fan about the superdogs no1 wants to challenge enjoy your dog if your happy with it
  14. don't get to exited most pure salukis don't cut the mustard, they just lack that little bit extra And what is that little extra ??? think he mean,s SPEED and a bitta extra drive. full salukis very plody if you want something plody with a lot of stamina get a minshaw they put greyhound into the mix 4 speed drive eagerness heart a full salukis are uselles
  15. mint tattoo teck ne heed of the slaters ther just jelous
  16. your called goldfinch you must be a bird lol That is without doubt the worst joke I,v heard on here , not meant be be a joke do u have dog if not don't write on thread waste of time
  17. can a jill die if not lined when in season
  18. dosent have to be well bred just fast gud dyker doing the do something desperatefor them not a ploder thatle only run big land something that will kill in paddocks
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