going to have a run with him this year as mates no money me him and rickyYou said that last season
so did you [bANNED TEXT] you were going down on holiday to his me and mark haven't got round to it yet I waz meant to go down he was meant to cum up
I WAS ib cornwall on a family holiday... 2 teenagers and a newborn babby. . But i got 400 mile closer than you
you said you would be lamping with mb when I asked you and ricky arranged it for you
going to have a run with him this year as mates no money me him and ricky
You said that last season
so did you [BANNED TEXT] you were going down on holiday to his me and mark haven't got round to it yet I waz meant to go down he was meant to cum up
In your opinion socks, what different training methods would you use for a coursing dog and a lamper ? There are lots of differing opinions, some lads i know just run them fit, at start of season and are out quite a bit and just build them up week by week. Another couple of different fellows i know, run them quite young and try and build an inbuilt stamina in them from pups, not everyone agree,s with there methods but works for them. The lads i,m on about are just lampers. Some other folk keep them ticking over all summer by biking or behind motor.
freelance do you still go down cornwall and
In your opinion socks, what different training methods would you use for a coursing dog and a lamper ? There are lots of differing opinions, some lads i know just run them fit, at start of season and are out quite a bit and just build them up week by week. Another couple of different fellows i know, run them quite young and try and build an inbuilt stamina in them from pups, not everyone agree,s with there methods but works for them. The lads i,m on about are just lampers. Some other folk keep them ticking over all summer by biking or behind motor.
do you still go down cornwal
Only if they will fetch a poxy ball...lol...
I like the using the motor,,, but like jim and others have said,,, that's just for building them up,, regular work is the best,,,
I ran regular thers nowt better
just when people lyk yourself gets jelous of my pics a compliments and writes back jelous garbage
Do you honestly think people are jealous of you ?seen you have written that answer a few times to different people just a question not being smart
I [BANNED TEXT] my dog gets compliments and I put a couple of pics up peple write stuff against it [BANNED TEXT] would you put it down to cos if its just opinions they shudent say them and hows you bridgy bomber
that chester cud run lyk ry you shud of sin it flick was a gud bunnie dog aswell ry ya shud of seen them they new the game
you had a dig at me not long back when i put a picture of a big bag of bunnies up, you said yeh but could these dogs catch on other land???
well all i can say is she does well enough for me and the other dog in the pick was out of flick,,,,,,,,so mine is out of chester and the other flick.
2 dogs you seem to rate very highly, not that it matters much but it was a silly comment
I they've got the breeding in them ther nice dogs soz if it offended ya wasent meant
that chester cud run lyk ry you shud of sin it flick was a gud bunnie dog aswell ry ya shud of seen them they new the game
you had a dig at me not long back when i put a picture of a big bag of bunnies up, you said yeh but could these dogs catch on other land???
well all i can say is she does well enough for me and the other dog in the pick was out of flick,,,,,,,,so mine is out of chester and the other flick.
2 dogs you seem to rate very highly, not that it matters much but it was a silly comment
I they've got the breeding in them ther nice dogs soz if it offended ya wasent meant