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Everything posted by MrDjk

  1. Will you be going out on your own or with someone else at least to start with? If it is the latter is it actually going to make a difference? Get some experience under your belt and get whoever goes out with you to put something in writing after a few months and this would normally get it lifted. You only have the right to appeal a refusal or revocation not any conditions imposed. The fact that you have held a sgc for so long should make it a formality really.
  2. Hi. Trying to find what uses people put their spent cartridges to eg holding matches. Cheers
  3. Welcome to the mad house!
  4. Imagine if you were only allowed to have 1 gun, what would it be, and why? No right or wrong answers really just a bit of curiousity!
  5. To be honest I thought it was a bit odd too!
  6. Hi. Does anyone know of any vermin syndicates in the Northants area?
  7. Hi. The above is very informative but can someone please clarify something for me? Am I correct in thinking that using a semi auto for wildfowling would have to be sec 2 ie 3 shot?
  8. Thanks for that - will put them to good use!
  9. I did do an rfd to rfd transfer so no worries there. Out of interest how would PayPal know? Curious really.
  10. I found a shotgun on guntrader a couple of years ago from an rfd in the Shetland Islands. I did a bank transfer and then worried that I had no come back if there way a problem so will use PayPal next time. Apart from the Shetlands being cut off due to the weather which delayed it and a cock up from Royal Mail all was well. All was well until the wife looked at the bank account and asked who Hatsan Escorts were! Hey ho!
  11. Hi. I am a scout leader in Northampton and we are on the lookout for some woodland to learn/teach bushcraft to fellow leaders and scouts. Doesn't have to be huge and within 30mins drive ideally. The ability to snare would be good we are happy to coppice or work on the land to help out. Always fancied doing some hedge laying! Thanks for reading.
  12. I only live on Northampton but it is the same old same old but the price doesn't seem to reflect that! Instead we went to the West Anglian country show instead.
  13. Hi. Anyone got one or have used one? Just wondered if they were any good? Cheers
  14. howdy neighbour!

    1. Blackbriar


      Not ignoring you buddy ! Don't really use this feed, but will look out for you on the forums !

    2. MrDjk


      No worries - always good to make new local contacts in this game!


  15. A common problem in new houses. Providing it is a solid fixing I would think it would be ok but suggest you talk to your FEO first when they ring to make the appointment.
  16. Thanks guys There seems to be no end of newbies on here. Just curious as to how many stay?
  17. I have a cz in both .17hmr and .22rf and can't see why anyone would spend more money! I bought the .22rf about 10 years ago and the .17hmr 3 years ago and the .22rf doesn't get out as much as it used too but it still had its place.
  18. Hi Can you delete it for me as it was doing all sorts of odd things so I thought I would give it another go! Hope that is ok
  19. Hi Just thought I would pop on here and say "Hi!" and put a little bit about me. I have guns ranging from air rifle up to .243 and 12bore. Mainly shooting vermin, fox etc and just about to embark on some stalking have developed quite a liking for venison! I don't talk text talk so there is nothing to worry about there - just keen to talk to like-minded people and gain experience and maybe offer some now and again. Thanks for reading.
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