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Everything posted by J_mcintosh87

  1. They had a phantom mate gutted there back in season now
  2. Cheers for the replies now have his number ?
  3. Alright lads does anyone have mick dadd's number they could pm me please ??
  4. If I go by the first day then it's been 58 days now . I took the hob out after about two weeks that would of made it 44 days now
  5. Alright lads just wondering on when u start counting the 42 day gestation period for ur ferrets? Do u start as soon as the vulva starts to reduce in swelling? Or a soon as the hob stop maiting with them?
  6. Don't think il be able to see much now they have made a deep nest lol due anytime now tho due date was yesterday!!
  7. Just get a bird camera net box kit set it up once the birds have fledged by then the Jills will be pregnant then just swap it over get the best of both then the cost is about thirty to forty pounds ?
  8. yes mate brilliant picture too its dead addictive watching it cus u don't wanna me owt lol
  9. they are both pregnant due any day now it's very exciting to watch a the live birth
  10. it's of a bird nest box camera set up don't know about the make it was around 30 -40 pounds
  11. The blue tits have fledged so thought I'd take the camera out and put it in the ferret hutch so now I have a Ferret nest box cam to keep an eye on the kits without disturbing them worked out pretty good ?
  12. The blue tits have fledged so thought I'd take the camera out and put it in the ferret hutch so now I have a Ferret nest box cam to keep an eye on the kits without disturbing them worked out pretty good ?
  13. I had the Same thing happened to me mate I put him across some Jill's after a week or two he was fine
  14. I had the Same thing happened to me mate I put him across some Jill's after a week or two he was fine
  15. Cheers lads got loads of time to but into the dog and il do my best to get it from good working stock uv al been a massive help ?
  16. Cheers lads great help think I'm gonna have a look around for a collie whippet greyhound
  17. Alright lads I've thinking for quite soon time now about getting myself a dog for ferreting with and maybe some lamping too. What type and size would u recommend ??? Any pic would be great ?
  18. Anyone got any Jill's for sale in West Midlands / Warwickshire area???
  19. Where about did u both find these hobs ??
  20. Iv been goin through the same thing mate I put a post up on here about it a few weeks ago everyone said it's just hormones and was advised to get him castraited
  21. Iv got to agree with tool box the nose flick method does work as iv tried it before with a few kits before having said that I won't be using that method this time if it's hormones il just get him a Jill and let him get his end away cheers for all the replies lads a massive help
  22. Full on bitting mate it won't leave me alone it will even try to climb up me to bit me it's starting to piss me off . before now he's been the most lad back ferret iv ever had iv had a few bitters before from ferrets iv not had from kits but nowt like this lol the little shite!
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