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silver back

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Everything posted by silver back

  1. Do you thing it is a bit overkill for a air gun
  2. Hi all does anyone use the hoppes bore snake on your guns I was thinking of getting one but was a bit concerned about the brass brush on it damaging the rifling
  3. Jsb and aa are the same pellets you will have just as many damaged skirts
  4. Hi all what are your views on the new jsbs coming out https://youtu.be/mo3U9TVcotA I've not seen many barrels that jsbs ain't one of the top pellets for accuracy so will defiantly be giving these a try but they do look like they could be a bit on the pricey side so probably wond be using them for plinking but anything that gives me a bit more confidence when out hunting is a plus in my book
  5. I've had the same problem it is amazing how much everything changes when shooting up at a angle I used to consider myself a good shot until I started shoot stuff out of trees and it's like starting off all over again as a noob you've got to learn all your aim points all over again and at different angles it changes again and the only way to really to really learn is to practice but the shooting the pine cone out of trees if definitely good advice it helped me a lot
  6. Looks like jsb have solved this issue by bringing out a new premium pellet that is hand picked and weighed https://youtu.be/mo3U9TVcotA
  7. Haven't got the bottle yet but if it was possible to fill it with the pump I was looking at a 3litre bottle
  8. I was just on about this somewhere else jsbs have always been my go to pellet of choice But I have had a lot of damaged skirts in my last couple of tin and been out doing a little pellet testing looking for a suitable alternative and what I have found is my hw100s in 22 is not really that pellet fussy most quality brands of pellet perform "ok" good enough that if I was out hunting I'd feel confident of a clean kill but none had the nice tight groups that I get with aa/jsb until I found bisley long rang gold they are in no way a compromise and perform as good or better than exacts and have a ni
  9. My hw100s in 22 loves aa/jsb but I find the skirts a little delicate on them and my last couple of tins have had a more than a few damaged pellets in so I use bisley long rang gold now just as accurate but much stronger skirt and less flyers
  10. Hi all is it possible to fill a small dive bottle with a hand pump. I know it sounds like madnes and would take a hell of a lot of pumping but I don't live anywhere near a dive shop to get bottles refilled and am sick of recharging with a pump in the field I did look at getting a compressor but the only ones I could find were many thousands of pounds. So if anyone knows if it is actually even possible to fill a bottle with a pump any info would be much appreciated or if you know of anywhere I could get a cheap 300bar compressor Dazza
  11. hi all i was just wandering has anyone ever tried to fill a dive bottle with a stirrup pump i no it would be hard work and not a practical way to get air i was just curious as to if it is even possible
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