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Everything posted by sighthound.1

  1. hi i have two pure breed whippets just right for me and they suit the ground i work which is important. they pups at mo but i will have them fit and ready for next season.
  2. hi blackgreyhound do you remember my dog tip she was hungerian vesula x greyhound fantastic all rounder day or night. she was very fast and clever her stamina was superb . she gave 100 percent every time i worked her probaly best dog i ever had the pleasure of working
  3. blackgreyhound gsd x g is a good all rounder as you know i have kept these xs years ago. there brain power is fantastic but with todays laws on what we can hunt gsd x is in my opion a shame not to let this fine x hunt what ever you want it to hunt. how ever gsd x that i kept did struggle on turning when at top speed. i keep whippets now and pleased i do because. there is not enough quarry where we live plus the land i use would only suit small lurcher or whippet. i have two whippet pups and they have enough stamina for the land i use. when my whippet pups are older. and trained they will
  4. hi just been out with whippets grond really hard dogs ok.
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