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Everything posted by sparkycrew

  1. Hy si and davy,those are two nice rifles you must be happy, another top quality show aswell as a side note thanks for advising i get a springer for my first rifle,after your BSA ultra vids i was sold on getting one but i bought an AA prosport .177 instead and loving it thanks regards nick
  2. Time will tell mawders,hows the hw you got to replace the prosport? Nick
  3. The thing iam most impressed aside the quality and finish is its character,its like a living animal,wake it up by cocking the lever, feed it a pellet,show it the target,release the trigger and the animal completes the cycle for you, usually with precision if ive done my bit sorry,got a bit carried away then Were getting a pcp for my lad in a couple of months and all the stuff it needs to make work and i know i'll will enjoy using it aswell,but i hope i can match it with my prosport (game on) Nick
  4. Thanks guys to be totally honest ive cherry picked the best of my shooting to tell you about,i spent an hour and three quarters on the second session with only average results,so stripped back to basics and shot amazingly for the last 15 mins (marksman principles) Mawders,read your post regarding your prosport woes, i feel for you mate, mine had a squeaky cocking lever but only when flicking out from the stock and not under tension,a quick spray with mr sheen fixed it,i am worried though becouse it is from the simillar build time, skot dont know about natural mate, i have hammered plenty
  5. I uploaded the group picture with the 5p on it,so here's the group uncovered dumbass moment Nick
  6. Hy guys,so newbie to rifles,and having bought a prosport .177 here's how were getting on with it,the rifle is almost new albeit secondhand, fitted with a nikko sterling 4-12x50 AO IR mountmaster,had a couple two hour sessions and starting to really enjoy the rifle, we try and use the marksmanship principles and with around 400 pellets through it we are improving,loving the fact it requires more shooter input than the Daystate huntsman classic rifle i shot some 6 months ago(thanks andy).so zero eventually set at 25 metres here's a group of around 8-12 shots,slightly high and to the right but th
  7. Thanks skot so fifty pellets of each brand should be enough one last question my rifle was built late in febuary this year and was previously owned albeit for 3 weeks,should i wait until its fully bedded in before trialing differant brands or will it be ok,i have put half a tin through it but i dont know how many or of what pellet the previous owner used Nick
  8. hy guys,just got my first rifle, a prosport .177,love the rifle,it has loads of character and is finished to perfection,however how do select the right pellet and size?,is it just trial and error,is there a good starting point,i was given AA field in 4.51 but have noticed some of the skirts are deformed,if i try another brand of pellet do i have to line the barrel with lead from that brand at a cost of say 20-30 pellets before i would notice any differance,should i clean out the barrel between differant pellet brands,is there any point trying differant brands if the weather isnt constant say v
  9. Heres the cigarette pinned to the target board,note the deformed drawing pin A BIG THANKS TO DAVE AND JOANNE NICKERWOOD HORSE LIVERY YARD JUNCTION 31 M1 ASTON NEAR SHEFFIELD for the used of there spare field
  10. russ,me and my lad are new to rifles,to be fare he shoots scorpian cadets,22 bulletin guns at army cadets so hes better than me,he was hitting a drawing pin at 25 metres regular yesterday in a howling 20+ mph wind,we have a long way to go before i would say we compittant with it but thats the challenge for me,i love the rifle its a classic and yes there will be days when it frustrates the h@ll out of us,by then my lad should have his pcp to play with, strange about the pellets mate i understud jsb and air arms field were the same pellet Iam a bit worried about comments regarding reliability
  11. Thanks darryl,had a really good day with it today,unfortunatly we were shooting in 20+ mph winds,it blew my heavy target board over several times,however my lad managed to hit a drawing pin at a measured 25 metres 4 times in a row,its a beutiful rifle and iam so chuffed we got it,we were saving for a pcp but iam so glad we choose a quality springer first,its defanently a keeper,i can rest assured i wont ever need to upgrade to a better rifle regards nick
  12. Strange, sorry for the banned text guys,can you guess what it was,well it was "[BANNED TEXT]"
  13. Hy guys,newbie to the sport,so popped into my local dealer to look at an airarms tx200hc and maybe put a deposit on one,hadnt got one in stock,but did have a 3 week old prosport .177,traded back in cos the former owner struggled to load pellets,so Adam at SDS Sheffield let me put a few pellets through it,next thing ive bought it so got a nearly new prosport with a nikko sterling 4-12x50 AO IR scope,brand new buffalo river padded slip and a tin of airarms field pellets, so first impressions 1,Beutifully built and finished 2,very heavy 3,more kick on firing than i expected 4,scope seems n
  14. cheers buddy and i will work on typing your name correctly hope to get my rifle in the next week or two,was going for a pcp,then had total change,going for a airarms tx200 hc springer, i hope POI doesnt change,if it does then i would probably leave it set at one mag setting,cos trying to remember hold changes at differant ranges and holds for different mag settings could get tiresome,then it would be a waste of time buying a variable mag scope regards nick
  15. Dadiolas,if POI does change with mag,wouldnt it be better to zero at 25 meters on middle zoom say x6 on a 3-9 scope so POI of impact changes would be shared equal between low and high mags. regards nick
  16. Ok newbie help please,if i zero my scope at 25 metres 6x mag and change nothing but mag to 9x and adjust AO to compansate paralax/focus,does my point of impact change if the same point of target is used,i must stress nothing else will change between each shots eg pellet,shooting position rifle ,time etc thanks nick
  17. fare point mawders and one ive read elsewhere,looks like you guys have persuaded me towards the AA tx200,thanks all for your help regards nick
  18. arghhhhhh wheres the credit card,buy both have some fun nice shooting BTW Skot,
  19. thats impressive,must be satisfying to put pellet on pellet with a springer,i think i will end up with both rifles in time,my lad's an army cadet affiliated to the mercian regiment,he shoots scorpian cadets on camp at chilwell,thats why after seeing your verminhunters tv we settled on an ultra something that would help him,thanks for your input also regards nick
  20. thanks for all your input guys,guess i need to go and shoulder said rifles and decide,to be fare like i said which ever rifle comes first the other would come later regards nick
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