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Everything posted by pestie100

  1. If you use something like a bowl of chicken mash, they have to eat it in situ.....sitting ducks for an air rifle :-)
  2. Definitely don't set the trigger too light. Earth-thrower is spot on, sometimes the mole just moving the soil will set it off if you do set it too light. The way these traps work is the earth will be pushed up to repair the tunnel, and the mole will use considerable force doing this. Best traps of all in my humble opinion.
  3. Thanks for the heads up lads.
  4. Hello everyone I'm a full time pest controller ( 25 years in the game ) mainly city stuff, but do some mole work as I live in the sticks. I actually posted the other day asking for some advice on cage trapping rabbits and was given some sound ideas...thanks lads. On a side issue, I did reply to a post by Woodga asking how I could order some snares from him. As it's an oldish post, I don't think he has checked it for a while. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction ? Cheers, look forward to some banter. Paul.
  5. Thanks for the tips....and the banter lads. I feel at home here already. Paul.
  6. Hi all, my first post. I'm a full time pest controller, been in the business over twenty years. Mostly city stuff, although I live in the sticks. I'm proud of the fact I'm Pretty good at catching moles, but I really struggle with cage trapping rabbits. I'd be so grateful if you experts out there could share a few tips. Thanks. Paul.
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