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About Lewtaylor

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  1. Hello people! Would just like to introduce myself. I'm fairly new to hunting, my dad used to take me out when i was young, around 10-13 yrs. Since then i've never followed it up until now, since my older brother got into it. Recently bought myself an Air Arms S410 and started going rabbit shooting in the North East area. Well, thats about it for an intro! as i say, i am new to a lot of things so hope to learn from other peoples knowledge on these forums.
  2. Hello, I'm new to these forums but stumbled across them when looking for some advice. I recently bought the NS50 from Nitesite. I've had it out on a night a few times now trying everything i can think of but can only seem to see around 10 meters clearly! I have an Air Arms S410 with a Hawke Reflex 4-12 x 50 scope. If i aim the rifle up parallel to the field the screen just seems to go very dark and the crosshair disappears. Its almost impossible to make anything out. If aimed at a light it does appear on the screen but that is it, nothing else. When the camera unit is taken off the scope
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