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Everything posted by lor123

  1. lor123

    Telemetry Mn10

    they are very reliable, has never let me down.
  2. lor123

    Telemetry Mn10

    telemetry MN10 on 216 with 1 transmitter XLF 6v comes with soft carry case €350
  3. good to hear that she is coming back around.
  4. i have a few pairs and some years you just get unlucky but i wouldnt split them i would leave them together as they will rear the two litters together yea you might lose a few as they will prob kill off the weekest but it takes the burden off them abit but others swear by separating so to answer your question i dont think you did anything wrong as such. dont be disheartened because it happens to everyone at some stage.
  5. wont load up for me, i will get the missus to do during the week on the computer. im on laptop and the f^*cking thing keeps going wonkie every time i try load a pic
  6. great news mate, worthwhile thread this ha, im going to give it a go as soon as ive got some spare time, how did you go about attatching the drill to the reel? i had to put the angle grinder to the handle but i didnt cut it clean off i cut it from the side bit by bit and then i filed down what was left into a kind of pin if you get what i mean and then just stuck it in the chuck. i had to tape a piece of wire hanger from bracket on the multiplier along the body of the drilll to hold it still as you need 2 hand otherwise to operate it. looked shit to be honest but worked like a dream.
  7. was out playing with a multiplier and cordless drill last night, it works brilliantly, i was previously using an old electric scooter upside down with back tyre cut off but line kept getting tangled everytime the lure got snagged and kicked back so was out lastnight like a little kid with a new toy with the drill and multiplier and once i got the drag right on the reel i got no kick backs i think its because its a few feet off the ground theirs less kick backs and tangles.
  8. i dont cope mine i have a flat perch 6inches by 10inches about a foot from the wall on a 3ft poll and she takes her food up on it, when i see her beak needs a trim i give rabbit heads and i made a piece of concrete the same size inch thick and i just strap it on and she rubs her beak on it when she feeds and it files it down natural. i have a round corner perch she sits on every nite and i do the same thing a 2 and 1/2 inch pipe few lengths of wire through and pour concrete when set cut off pipe and stick on a lenght of coconut mat 3/4 inch wide and the lenght of the perch and that files the t
  9. what are we like, wishing the summer away to get back out again
  10. mine was doing crap to be honest put it down to the weather, started giving her the clover honey and she dropped a few together but still shes a fair bit behind. shes only dropped 4 off her tail but has gone into a crazy body moult in the last few weeks since the weather picked up.
  11. pity he wont take a hood the kite is deadly for fitness. i use a lure on an old electric scooter motor. cut off handle bars flip upside down and strip back tyre off and fill will fishing line only prob i had was when the lure gets caught on the grass it would fling and get tangled on the wheel but im gonna steal that idea with the fishing reel it might cut down on that because the drag could be set differently.
  12. that would do the trick, also if you get yourself a pocket parafoil kite the cheap ones off ebay 4 quid single line ones i use a piece off string with a peg on to hold half doc about 10ft below the kite. i was able to get my fhh superfit and was able to just go straight up and grab it by then. you can tie the kite off on a brick and you will need to hood your hawk or you wont get it 2ft in the sky.
  13. just to clarify are you saying that bob church has said he has never known of worms in ferrets????? the reason i ask is because according to a dr Erika Matulich Ph.D fancy publications ,volume 2,number3 may/june 1999 goes into detail about how ferrets can be infected by hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and fluke. I have found worms in a dull looking litter of kits a few years ago which i wormed and as precaution i worm all my kits before they leave me. I do respect that bob is well involved in studying ferrets and im by no means trying to discredit him or yourself but as a rescue
  14. i do worm but i only worm kits when i ween them and the only reason is because it can be stressfull and i have seen worms passed(very occasionnally mind) but i did worm the lot once upon a time but the older ferrets never seem to pass anything so i just dont bother anymore i just keep an eye on stools.
  15. i have used it beore from a dropper on dogs and ferrets and even the cat, when i had the dog down for a check up asked me what i use for fleas and i told him i use pour on for the lot, i was told not to use it as he said it damage,s the membrane around the nasal passage. i just use frontline now.
  16. best sticking to months with an r in it, but you can do a bit all year round if it takes your fancy but only problem is heavy cover and baby bunnys, you will be untangling nets all day and digging all day.
  17. yep as ideation says keeping more than one jill is best. the reason i think you should get 2 jills and a vac hob is because the jill jab will set you back every year maybe even have to get it twice if she comes back into season so with a vac hob you wont have to worry about that and then you can keep them as pets aswell without the mood swings that comes with breeding and yes you can keep them together and you would be best getting kits doesnt even matter if the hob is from same litter as long as he gets a vasectomy. good look with the zoo
  18. if he is snipped young enough and you have them together as kits you should not have a problem.
  19. i it was me and i had to start out again i would get 2 jills and 1 hob all kits from hunting stock. i would get the hob a vasectomy and then you dont have to worry about taking jills out of heat. you would be able to keep all 3 in together .then as far as housing goes you will need a big area as you can for them to run around with pipes and little hiding areas and believe me they keep themselves fit and bizzy. you can get ferrets to use a litter box very easily just stick a tray with cat litter in the corner they start going the toilet in and after a few week you can even replace litter with s
  20. that may be fungal, the thing about hay and straw is it harbour fungal spours and the reason i say it may be is because if he had even a slight open wound like small bite or nick well then when you put him on straw or hay if fungal spours gets in the wound wont heal so with anti bac and then apply fungal cream because you cant go wrong because it will heal a whole load of wounds just like that and even ringworm which is a fungal infection commonly found in hay and straw . also the diamiticus earth powder mentioned above is good idea. i myself spray a citronella around the walls of the stable
  21. yep thats the one and u would feel such a plank that you dare tell no one
  22. sad to hear that, you know i wouldnt rush into anything when you think of it your missus is due end june so baby will be at least 3 months old come end of sept. by then baby will be in a routine and you would be surprised when they get a routine going how much free time you can wrangle. i have 5 kids 12,9,6,3, and 1yr old and dont get me wrong sometimes i dont have time too have a piss sometimes it has to be lamping sometimes i might get 3-4 hours but thats my chill time. i know everyone is different and the baby comes first but dont rush into something you might regret, maybe just start your
  23. i was always told not to fly my harris when shes moulting because the crafter feckers start nest raiding and the weight issue. so i just let her rest up for the moult but have to say i have been tempted to keep her going when shes in the moult but i just know when i give it a go it will be one of those, i told you moments. but i do know a lad that does fly a male harris mugging crows all year round.
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