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Everything posted by Garypco

  1. is the book an american book moll??? how compatible is it to us as british etc and how god is the book if you have it?
  2. couple more pics! kruger! molly troy sadie cassy and p***y!!!
  3. Shame a pts a lovely bitch in work the other day as she was to unpredictable with the public shed of served you brilliantly!!!
  4. Ikeep walking outside and looking at em lol cant beleive theyre really there!!!
  5. cheers for the replys guys yes theyre chatsworth 6s from mittenhall kennel systems to say im over the moon is an understatement!!!
  7. Well i finally managed to get it sorted my new kennels arrived and were constructed today delivered and up in 3 1/2 hours,to say im a wee bit chuffed is an understatement as ive been waiting for something like this for an awful long time anyhow here's a few pics positive comments welcome lol!!! excuse the mess it all still looks like a builders yard but im getting there!
  8. I own and work a GWP out of Gavic lines....the link below is of some Excellant Gwp's....owned by a keeper in wales....they have won Crufts 2 years running in the keeper section and i have witnessed them out on the shoot with Les and they are excellant....i will be having one of their pups in my kennels in the near future http://www.mustwork.co.uk/ I can vouch for this strain,100% working with great conformation also von willebrans disease free!!!
  9. hi guys i have two yellow labrador dog pups for sale approx 17 weeks old full kc reg il chip them free as well! pm me for further information £200 each
  10. IN A COUPLE OF HOURS IM PICKING UP A BORDER DOG KC REG 3-4 YRS OLD HAS SEEN SOME ACTION ABOVE GROUND BUT UNPROVEN IN GENERAL any interest on the dog pm me,il let him go on trial to the right person!!!
  11. Garypco

    dont try this

    at the end of the day its about sport i lamp with the dogs,and hunt with the hawk and dog team,i also throw my birds out of the window at things whenever i get a chance! obviously!!! its on private land and i have the owners full written permission! at the end of the day when ur a hunting man you cant piss without breaking the law this isnt about a legal issue its about a taste thing,sorry [bANNED TEXT] if you dont like it dont do it! however you might move on with the times one day and accept things change!
  12. anytime between 14 and 18 months for me again depends on the dog but why risk a sapling gibbing for the sake of a couple of months! i generally start a dog end of july beggining of aug get em goin on young stuff to bring the confidence up!!!
  13. Garypco


    smart looking birds tony a [bANNED TEXT] of mine might be looking at a bird for imprinting do you let let em go for imprinting ?
  14. well done guys!!! come on lads get voting!!!!
  15. This is an epetition aimed at saving us from a tail docking ban on working hprs guys even if you dont work hpr's please support the petition,its for an overall view on dogs but if we dont sign this we've knocked another nail in the coffin of working breeds! http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Banding-tails/
  16. Had a quick hour out in the wet melting snow had a good flight on a tree rat she worked it hard,but it made its escape into a stone wall(phew) missed a rabbit in cover then i went down the valley to a corner that sometimes holds the odd rabbit.nothing on the way down but going back to the van the other side lil went on point as i sent her into flush a woodcock got up and i called the bird as i heard it before i saw it! then i heard the tell tail sign as the bells went away,as i looked behind me keira was going away and pumping her wings heavily then as she was almost out of sight throught
  17. rightly or wrongly its what i did,but from then on she never bound to the male!!! it was an everyday occurance my male was to scared to fly in the end!
  18. Have to be a pure finnish gos no other bird does anything for me i have no interest in longwings,pheasant and partride and duck being the quarry!
  19. initially i had a bit of a problem with the female over dominating the male,shed just whack im out of a tree it came to a head one day and she hit him right next to me as they hit the floor i pounced on her grbbed her and domonated her for a change wether it was the right thing or the wrong thing to do at the time i did it because i was so pissed off,she never touched him from that day on,since then theyve moulted out together and are very well bonded together,biggest problem i have is she doesnt follow on as well as id like but as a cast it works the males upfront and the female covers the re
  20. Had a stroll with the birds and the dog today,my good friend steve came up foer the afternoon the plan was to fly the cast on some ground i have on the coast,started the morning got all the kit together got my spare glove for steve to use,couldnt find my glove anywhere i looked all over the only thing i can think of is it fell out of my van whilst finishing the day on thurs,anyway though no worries il call in the hardware shop get myself a welding glove,all shops shut and one had sold out lol,anyway not wanting to ruin the day i said sod it share the glove we have and il fly with out one,ouch!
  21. I personally never start a dog lamping till its at least 12 months old maybe older if its a deerhound cross,just dont think theyre mentally or physically if younger,for the pressure is too much as for takin any weight of the pups back its fine at six months old id want a covering like that,leave her be for now and get her going when the time is right,spend more time on obedience and socialisation theres a lot of dogs ruined because of incorrect schooling anyway nice looking dog [bANNED TEXT] best ot luck with it!!!
  22. Well done [bANNED TEXT]!!!
  23. "TAIL DOCKING BAN THREAT The Welsh Assembly Government has recently issued a consultation paper on The Docking of Working Dogs’ Tails (Wales) Regulations, December 2006. Whilst it proposes an exemption for the docking of working spaniels and terriers the paper omits any exemption for hunt, point, retrieve breeds of gundog. At a meeting with WAG civil servants and Wales Chief Veterinary Officer, BASC Director Wales Glynn Cook asked why HPR’s had been left off the list of specified dogs for exemption and was told ‘there is no evidence of their use as working dogs in Wales’
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