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Everything posted by brucemyster

  1. I'm surprised the robbing Mo-fo's were even out of bed at the time you were shooting, or at any time of day for that matter, maybe it's on a flight line for the job centre, or perhaps it was a day they actually needed to sign on? Or I could just be generalising
  2. Can't hit clays to save my life but when it comes to pigeons and crows I'd class myself as an average shot and have found I'm outshooting others who have better than average scores on the clays, I think it's because I have less time to think and am shooting instinctively, I tend to shoot sitting down when I'm decoying and I'm not fighting to get my stance sorted, used one of those swivelling pigeon chairs last time I went and loved it, not quite enough padding though, arse ache the next day!! I'm of the opinion that you need a fairly open choke when decoying, the ranges aren't massive and I us
  3. still need alot more handling but they are just about getting there, fit and healthy though with plenty of energy, too uch when your trying to clean and feed the little devils!!
  4. I can assure you its not all that!!, an old pine walldrobe carcass with three levels accessed via ribbed flexi pipe, a few old pipes, ladders, hung tennis balls, cardboard carpet roll with cut outs and one of those balls you can hide treats in (drives em nutty trying to get them out) and pipes leading to the hutches, all done on a budget, got the pipe and weldmesh for free off freegle, the roofing felt I nicked off my brother inlaw and the secondary roofig materials I picked up from the side of the road where some one had fly tipped some old pine cladding, total cost for two hutches and court
  5. last few kits to go so offering them free to THL members, meat weaned, fit healthy kits. please message me as to what I have remaining as I have some being collected over the next few days, been let down a though a few times so it's first come first served!! I'm in Faversham Kent
  6. pair of dickies work trousers and an army jacket, reproof them if necessary (easy now days just bung them in the washing machine with a proprietary reproofing agent) if going through bramble and gorse then a wax jacket and wax leggings. I always pick up a second hand wax jacket at a boot fair, lasts the season for about a fiver, going to give tregings ago this season, keep your arse drier!!
  7. I use an 03milesR, he's a strong lad with plenty of staying power, at times I give him a break and carry the hide poles but I don't like to over do it, after all when I let the dog off I've got to carry the lead as well. I have at times even been known to carry my own gun, but this is more of an exception than a rule. So there you go if you work them hard when they're young you can reap the benefits as they get older, it was a long term plan but boy is it paying out big time now!!
  8. Ferret Kits for sale in Faversham Kent Hobs and Jills, albinos and poleys from 2 litters Principally meat weaned on Rabbit and pigeon (pet mince when the freezer runs dry) also eating JWB dry complete sire was a big healthy working poley and dams are slight albinos, new to the game but showing promise. Nice health kits all well handled £10 each
  9. don't waste your money on frontline, a lot of the time it is ineffective, go to your vet and get some advocate, may cost a bit more but always does the job. I freeze my rabbits before they go into the ferrets and doing it that way kills off a lot of the nasty's, also if their on your dog their in your carpet (if he lives inside) and his bedding, spay your carpet and soft furnishings and renew the bedding. I hate fleas and ticks, make my skin crawl
  10. £100 to get a hob vasectomised down my way (£60 +a time for the jill jab) I'm going down the route of getting a hob done, so getting one for a bulls eye would be for me a fair result, plus you get to pimp him out I paid a tenner for two one year old jills and I'll be charging between 5 and 10 quid this years kits to recoup the costs of feeding the little stinkers, haven't been able to keep up the supply of rabbits (plenty of pigeon but their fussy blighters) so have had to keep em topped up with beef and chicken mince.
  11. Acer aspire one GZ5 netbook (small laptop) paid £2, got it home plugged it in, all worked, updated the software, removed 38 cases of malaware, cleaned up the registry and gave it a good polish, job done, result even better than just paying 2 quid was the look on the guy next to me who soooo obviously wanted it, double whammy!!
  12. even had the dog (who was pretty pissed at the lack of activity) only thing I didn't have was the kitchen sink, although carrying the gear back to the car it felt like someone might have slipped one in
  13. normally I decoy over freshly drilled or harvested crops but the other day I was asked to shoot over a field of barley that was being hammered. Put some shells in an area where the barley had been flattened, rigged up the magnet and put out Fred the flapper. The hide was constructed as usual with 2 layers of ghost cammo and sat on the edge of a drainage ditch with a couple of acres of old English woodland at our back. Birds were a plenty and although some committed to the pattern it was not as productive as I would have imagined, we had a shuffle round of the decoys, bought in Fred for a whil
  14. my grandchildren all have to have dairy free products, dairy free ice cream is readily available, Sainsburys do not a bad version and Tesco sell a dairy free version called Swedish glaze, which comes in a black 50p shaped box and in various flavours which are pretty tasty and not overly expensive.
  15. sounds like things have speeded up re. issuing certificates, great news for all those applying, get them in now if you can!! maybe it's like passports and at certain times of the year there's a bit of a backlog?
  16. minced and mixed with rabbit for dogs hope the dogs enjoyed it, would have been nice in the oven with a knob of butter and a few new potatoes, but each to their own!!
  17. a few weeks!! hope it comes to pass and I don't want to piss on your bonfire but my sons took an eternity, months not weeks, probably from same place if your Kent based, Maidstone? good luck and I genuinely hope your certificate comes trough asap as it's as frustrating as hell waiting for the post every day, try ringing the issuing office and ask what kind of backlog there is, if any, so that your not left on tenterhooks. As for a shotgun, after shooting air rifles for years I found I shot best with a semi auto, just felt right Just type in "used shotguns" in Google and a ton of sites come
  18. Nice, were you fishing specifically for trout or was it just a nice surprise? BTW how did you cook it?
  19. that's mighty fine shooting for someone who's never really shot before, where they on the move or did you manage to catch em before they could get started? I started shooting shotguns again about 6 months ago after a break of 20 odd years and couldn't hit Jack, had a morning on clays and hit 6 out of 50 oh the shame of it !! got myself a second hand Remington 1100 and rough shooting and decoying is my bag, can hit at least 70% in the field, funny how can't hit the clays though?
  20. first thing would be ask whom ever your buying them off what they've been weaned on, might save yourself a few bob if they could tell you what they'd tried them on already and whether they'd eaten it or not, mine aren't to keen on liver and kidney for instance. sounds like they wont be starving anyhow, good luck with them ATB
  21. Didn't expect anything different from you pat splashing out a bit with the raybans !! The kits are eating me out of house and home, mince and rabbit at the moment, can't get out often enough to shoot enough rabbits though, their not to keen on pigeon either Mate, I am having the same problem. The mince is a bit pricey and they are demolishing it, I cant get any bunnies as my big permission has the bloody RSPCA down there looking at the Badger sets and my smaller permission has got a couple of people on the land for a few weeks so I am stuffed. I am seriously thinking of going out and
  22. Didn't expect anything different from you pat splashing out a bit with the raybans !! The kits are eating me out of house and home, mince and rabbit at the moment, can't get out often enough to shoot enough rabbits though, their not to keen on pigeon either
  23. Hi, and big it up for us Kentish folk!! where do you do your driven shooting, anywhere near Faversham?
  24. Don't know how you keep your ferrets cool in this weather but here's what I do. Freeze a bottle over night then in it goes during the day, all the hutches are double roofed and have sunshades not the best picture in the world I know, taken through the fly screen!!
  25. You can get your own CRB done, just done one myself, that then belongs to you. A new scheme coming in where you pay £13 per year which then allows you to update it and take it to a new setting providing it's in the same field as when the CRB was issued, security or childcare for instance.
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