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Everything posted by brucemyster

  1. Hi all has anybody got a set of Hatsan chokes + key they no longer require? can collect around the Canterbury area of Kent or will happily pay postage Many thanks Bruce
  2. Don't know about anybody else but my semi auto, Remington 1100, doesn't like fibre wad cartridges, it won't cycle them, and I'm not talking puny rounds, I'm using 29gm 6's, my son has an Armsan Semi auto and that doesn't like the fibre wad cartridges either. I even stripped down my remi, cleaned the gas ports, with the ubiquitous unfolded paper clip, and fitted a new Viton O ring, all to no avail. chuck in a plastic wad cartridge and it cycles like a good 'n. Any one else had cycling problems with fibre wads or is it that my gun doesn't particularly like this specific brand of fibre wads?
  3. no he meant eclectic crow caller, one that was a new idea from the norm, just a slip on the keyboard that spell checker didn't pick up !!
  4. often can depend on what other people have used in the same vicinity, if they've been decoyed often it doesn't take them long to catch on. Best decoying I find with corvids is if you can get them coming over the top of you from behind that way they are always looking over you at the decoys, when coming in from in front it's easy to come up too soon and then they flare
  5. did you get them both together or have you had one longer than the other? we have a staffy and a springer that used to live happily together but now have to be kept apart as they will fight if in the same vicinity (can manage to walk them together with two people if kept on leads) check your dogs eyes, if their stressing each other out one dog or even both dogs whites of the eyes will be bloodshot, try separating them and you'll find within a short while the eyes will go back to their normal whitish colour. If they are stressing because they no longer get on together then it's best to keep the
  6. hi could you tell me what the cast is on the stock, if any at all, please, does it have a left/right palm swell at all? many thanks Brucemyster
  7. Was a good boy and declared I had been treated in the past for depression on my shotgun certificate application, had an operation for perforated bowel and nearly carked it, spent 6 months in hospital and had complications lasting over 5 years and the doctor prescribed me anti depressants, now I'm happy as a sand boy, that was until I got a letter from the firearms department asking for a doctors letter for which I'm having to pay the princely sum of £60.50, you'd have thought this eventually would have been covered by the licensing fee or is that just wishful thinking on my behalf, the worst p
  8. Quick tip if a photo is to big to upload, reduce the size with a free programme like paint.net
  9. I open the cage to feed them and the young jill jumps on my shoulder, the two older jills bide their time till I pick them up for a little ruff and tumble, probably only handle them for about ten mins each day while feeding and emptying their litter tray, they get longer at the weekend when the hutch complex is cleaned and freshened up, they seem happy enough.
  10. Monday, two beaters arse over elbow in quick succession followed on the next drive by a gun, well funny, only just managed to suppress the laughter. Pushed two drives into one the other day, down a steep ploughed slope up the other side then down again and then up through steep woodland, thought we were going to lose a few, the pacemakers must have been in overdrive!!
  11. don't know about you but I thought I was pretty fit, but now the stubble has been turned over I'm knackered!!
  12. still got a boxed Sega Saturn in the loft, haven't used it for ages, I love the TT bike racing, fantastic graphics for it's age. Can't quite remember the cheat for the TT bike racing but it lets you ride a sheep, the pitch of it's baas change as you accelerate, fantastic !!
  13. have a go at posting it on youtube then post the link
  14. Quick update for any one interested, picked up a new second hand feed latch from Ebay and super glued it in, only took 10 minutes so well happy, took it for a field test and worked faultlessly, got drenched again, typical
  15. Cleaning the Remington 1100 after getting drenched shooting today I dislodged the link, to refit it removed the trigger assembly and low and behold the feed latch dropped out Not an uncommon occurrence I have since discovered, it was only then I noticed the little lug on the end nearest the shell tube was missing, had the gun since mid June (second hand) and it hasn't missed a beat, to be honest it could have been absent since then. Any how after a torrent of expletives managed to relocate it and the trigger assembly but haven't had the chance to see if it will work. Will have to replac
  16. Wax jackets are the only way for beating imo, generally thorn, bramble and waterproof they put up with a lot of abuse, I normally pick up a couple cheap at boot fairs but have managed to get hold of a Barbour for this season second hand for a tenner, you can definitely feel the difference in quality, from the little things like the extended storm cuffs to the overall superior weight of the materials used, worth the money if you can afford them new, a bonus if you can pick up a decent used one cheap
  17. just send it back to the brewery and order a new one
  18. nice, how long a period was this over? shame no dog, mind you when you take them and they nearly come into the hide themselves it saves the legs
  19. A few years back you'd be all but giving away anything that was a Heinz, now their calling them designer dogs and charging a fortune!! same with kittens and rabbits seems you need a small mortgage now days. I tried to get a tenner for my ferret kits to recoup the cost of feeding the little stinkers and you could of heard a pin drop, offered them for free and couldn't keep up with people calling up for them. I suppose if people are willing to pay silly money there will always be people charging silly money!!
  20. I'm surprised he didn't offer you a couple of feeders and a seasons supply of feed as well, perhaps next year he'll put in a release pen and a couple of thousand birds to save you the trouble of having to pull them in. I can't believe the man is so thoughtless in not offering to dig a flight pond for when you get fed up with hammering the pheasants, you just can't get the staff now days!!
  21. had a couple of hours on grass which was under a flight line last week with crow / pigeon decoys and a flapper, everything that flew over decoyed.
  22. probably would have been better asking to take your dog on one of the pre season vermin shoots than on an actual drive, having seen people berated for their dog ruining the drive I think your probably better off earning the respect of the gamekeeper and beat master as a beater before chancing your arm with the dog. There will be days when the beating line is thin on the ground and dogs hard to come by and this maybe the time to offer the services of your dog, as mentioned earlier offering to do some dogging in might give you the opportunity to introduce your dog to the keeper and get some ide
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