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About doggame

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    the hunting ground's
  1. My dad is letting his prosport 22 go as he has gone to pcp over health issues. Its very good condition with a few little marks on the bottom of the stock gun only sale as he wants to keep his scopes. waiting for photo of him.We can post at cost paypal bank transfer or face to face £280+15 posted please pm for more details
  2. Very good condition my dad don't get on with the scb ret comes with sunshade and flip ups and side weel used a few time £90 posted 1st class via royal mail payment though paypal
  3. Ok mate :laugh: I can't wait to see the post your put up when your r10 breaks And I don't think your r10 will out do a s410.How can you say the s410 is a heap of crap when AIR ARMS makes the best rifles. Look the r10 has a regulator where the 410 don't . s410 don't need regulator to shoot consitainly and good . If you took the regulator out of the r10 do you think it will shoot good NO The r10 is long rifle. .To make them look good you need to waste money. I just don't see the big fuss over them. Like I said before the best rifle BSA has made and that's the super 10 If you took the reg
  4. Ok mate :laugh: I can't wait to see the post your put up when your r10 breaks And I don't think your r10 will out do a s410.How can you say the s410 is a heap of crap when AIR ARMS makes the best rifles. Look the r10 has a regulator where the 410 don't . s410 don't need regulator to shoot consitainly and good . If you took the regulator out of the r10 do you think it will shoot good NO The r10 is long rifle. .To make them look good you need to waste money. I just don't see the big fuss over them. Like I said before the best rifle BSA has made and that's the super 10
  5. How many fills will I get out of a 3lt bottle? Im using a s410f carbine 177
  6. I use to use a penny. And then some tin foil with a bit of oil. Use to work for me. But do it at your own risk im not responsible for any action you decide to do . hope this help's
  7. cool very interested. where are you based.If to far away can you post at cost thanks
  8. what's the cal mate? and what's the power thanks
  9. would you swap ? if so what you looking for ?
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