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Everything posted by hern

  1. No thanks, I made a phonecall today and dont like what I hear about you!!!
  2. If I was upset I would say I just think your talking bollocks
  3. Id run Troy for anyone on anything you know that Joe. But its not about that. I just wanted to show people that pup of yours an get there opinions on it. If you look at them pictures you could swap Rambos head with that pup. An for people to say its hard to spot the resemblence then i think they are just being silly. . IMO. . All the Best SHanded. . Your the silly one and the bit highlighted in red proves it
  4. Well they dont look like RAMBO, TRAVELLER OR BLUE. But that dont mean they are NOT minshaw dogs does it. AS we have all learnt. In fact they probly carry more Minshaw than Joes pup, am not to sure where your goin with this. Do you think the dogs look like RAMBO, TRAVELLER OR BLUE?? No but IMO the only two dogs out of all the dogs pictured in this topic what look alike to a great extent are Blue and Rambo, the rest are all shapes and sizes. For me its got nothing to do with looks its how they perform in the field, a good dog is never ugly
  5. If your confused where does that leave the rest of us? Its your mate SHanded who started the thread and labelled the pups the closest thing he has seen to "the old stuff" Minshaws he has seen
  6. Yer I had a MORRIS marina many moons ago
  7. SHanded Iam not upset, I gave you my opinion on the pups. Whats yours on the 2 dogs pictured in my last post do they look like the Minshaw type you speak of?
  8. SHanded to absolutly honest with you apart from the pups being thick set I find it hard to see the resemblance your talking about. Whats your opinion of these two dogs do they have any resemblance to the minshaw type you talk of?
  9. SHanded,there is plenty dogs around with a hell of lot more of the original blood in them than the pups you got at the moment.
  10. SHanded or joedogs, exactly how much of the old type Minshaw blood is actually in the pups, are both parents decendants of the old dogs?
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