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Everything posted by hern

  1. I heard about this 15 year ago and only put two and two together regarding who joedogs was yesterday when Andy told me about it again, he was the 2nd person to tell me about it not the 1st. The fact is regardless of the circumstances I will always steer well clear of a dog thief and name and shame regardless of the time scale or how much money he throws at the situation to smooth things over!!!!
  2. Well said dread and redcharge
  3. You have your opinion I have mine, as as Iam concerned he is a dog thief. ETA... if I ever have the misfortune to meet either of you I will be as polite to you as you have been to me on this topic
  4. Hern i hope you have learnt a lesson from this. An its easier said than done all this puttin people on stretchs s*it. Joe must be the WORST dog thief ever to step foot on these shores . . By the way thanks for ruining the thread for the sake of talking about something you KNEW absoulutly F*CK ALL about. P.S pup STILL looks closer to the old stuff then anythink you have BRED. . The only thing Ive learnt is maybe there isnt a fire but there sure is plenty smoke Yes the camera does show a big no massive similarity in the heads, but as Ive already said a few times loo
  5. All I say to that is Ive had dogs stolen and I aint so forgiving to dog thieves as you seem to be HERN YOUR A JELOUS WANKER CLUTCHING AT STRAWS FROM OVER 20YEARS AGO,, SAD c**t GET A LIFE,,,ITS TOOK YOU PAGES AND PAGES TO COME UP WITH THIS BOLLOCKS,,BET YA FECKING PHONE BILLS SKY HIGH,, GO TAKE YA FACE FOR A SHIT . Jealous and clutching at straws stop being a tit ffs you prefer to believe the sugar coated version if you please, me I prefer to see the bad in people then Iam not let down.
  6. The sugar coated version holds no weight with me so I stand by what Ive said and there will be no apology from me to anyone.
  7. The dog went back to liverpool knowing it was stolen, taking money back after the fact does not make him a decent guy. People saying he is, tell that to the next shitbag who steals your dogs!!!!
  8. The guy would of went away on a stretcher if he came to my house with money and the dog
  9. Come on then you gutless people there is plenty of you's reading this, DO YOU CONDONE THIS SORT OF THING? its took 15 pages of shit to get to this ffs
  10. You see the thing is Hern your nearly there but theres a couple of minor things missing. Answer me this who went to the lads door with £££ jsut answer me. . Ive already answered that question if you care to read back, the problem I have is he took the dog knowing fine well it was stolen. It was the dog that should of went back not cash!!!!! The ins and outs are very grey I admit, however I label people dog thieves who have anything to do with stolen dogs.... DOGS WOULD NOT BE STOLE IF THERE WAS NO MARKET FOR THEM.
  11. Tell you what bothers me, people cry there eyes when there dogs go missing but how many people have spoke up on this thread? very few. Defending dog thieves, having anything to do with stolen dogs ets etc is the lowest in my opinion
  12. SHanded why not just come out with it? your version or rather joedogs version.
  13. Yes it was that little rat Vic Minshaw, you wont get me sugar coating anything. Ive stated before Ive never met Vic Minshaw and have absolutly no wish to. WRONG!!!. . Put me right then!!! how many times do i have to say it I will apologise if Iam wrong.
  14. People can judge for themselfs, joedogs knew the dog was stolen yes he payed Vic for the dog but IMO a dog thief none the less.
  15. Yes it was that little rat Vic Minshaw, you wont get me sugar coating anything. Ive stated before Ive never met Vic Minshaw and have absolutly no wish to.
  16. What i will say Hern is somethin did happen an your going back about 23 years or so. But what the people telling the story have failed to mention is who it was that done everythin in his power to make things right?? . Now your getting closer to the truth, he knew what was happening he was on the other side of the fence the dog went back to liverpool with him knowing fine well it was stolen. Then the guilt started and the cash started to flow to smooth things over. IMO a dog thief.
  17. Fatty has been deleted he carnt answer you's back.
  18. So get on the phone to Andy an maybe you can clear it up all by your IKKLE SELF. . . I knew the story well before ASD told me it, why are you still defending him why carnt he defend himself he has read the topic Iam sure if someone accused me I would
  19. SHanded if Iam wrong I will apologise as Ive already stated many times ETA... it wasnt andy who told me the story 1st I heard it a lot of years ago of someone who isnt on the net... I just didnt know it was joedogs usernames and all that!!! or believe me I would of spoke up sooner
  20. I will say it again if Iam wrong I will apologise Lets hear the truth!!!!!
  21. Let it run mods its entertaining. As for you Hern am not to sure why you would want to meet me face to face i wouldnt want to be seen with a so called DOG THIEF. . An as for JOEDOG not replying then he probly just realised how PATHETIC some members can be. Hern STOP harrasing me for the full story thats something you should have done before you post that PATHETIC reply. Now phone LOOSE LIPS an get the rest of the story. . It isnt you Iam harrassing for the story you know it as well as me but you prefer the sugar coated version. Its joedogs who should put the full story up and clear h
  22. Let it run MODS it deserves it, it must be entertaining the whole forums reading it. As for meeting face to face, i dont think its me that id be worrying about if i was you. As for JOEDOG not replying hes probly just realised how pathetic some of the people on these forums can be. Hern am not to sure why you would want to meet me face to face i know i wouldnt want to be seen with so called dog thieves. As i said you are harrassing me for a STORY go an get the FULL STORY from LOOSE LIPS!!. An then make your accusations. . PATHETIC COWARDS. . Iam not worried you know who I am and where
  23. The only person who can sort this now is joedogs. If Ive been a c**t I will put my hands up and apologise ETA... joedogs has read the topic right threw and knows what I have accussed him of.
  24. IanB, Mods let this topic go untill this is sorted one way or another.
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