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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. Bet he is over moon. Well done to you both....
  2. Do we realy need iPhones? Folk need diffrent types of dog if it suits you get one, if not don't, they must suit some folk, plenty getting bred
  3. A couple on this site but not many about you'll have a fair old wait for a genuine one I should imagine, just get a lurcher and you'll bond and get on
  4. If your feeling lucky buy a scratch card, atleast you get a chance of summit for that quid lol
  5. Ofcourse it is they sell it for a quid and still make profit lol
  6. what have i been telling you, lol, lol, fookin quality purchase by stig. I bought one of them blow up pillows that fit round your neck thought it would be ideal for the 4 hour flight to greece----I got it out my bag and blew it up ready for a quick nap honest it just about fitted round my wrist An yet you keep going back Ffs lol
  7. There's giving a young dog 20 runs an giving a young dog 20 runs mate, I doubt gas or Jim for that matter would have took a youngster to close cropped grass with educated bunnys and expected the same results, I doubt they would have done it, but I know neither of them tbh. I have however entered youngsters in same way and done well with dogs doing well all there life's. Some places at some times of year are perfect for pups and to use that to a dogs advantage can only be a good thing. I was once out lamping with a family member, we were out with sole intention of testing his dog with a big
  8. But did the mate bar get nice clean edges on your paint job ? Lol
  9. It's a fooking pound shop wat you expect lol
  10. Lookin forward to seeing these
  11. Who would have thought it eh, a hunting post on hunting site getting all this attention lol
  12. Anybody any first hand experience of back breeding? How did it go?
  13. Give us a run down of the critters in pics and how you catch them pal, bolted from spots or walked up slips??
  14. Chances are your gonna get every peddler an messer for miles and miles unless you know somebody of got somebody that will vouch for you pal, atb with your search
  15. Any pics of the stretches of river your catching them in mik, well done again
  16. I had one and couldn't get collars for it, then a mate got one with a collar so I gave him my box as a spare and them 2 are deffo mk3 shape an collars are more like mk3 than mk1 but not identical to mk3 either, google deben mk2 ferret finder image and have a look there are some that are mk2 it says on them and they mk3 shape but with no pin point knob
  17. Mk2 deffo looks like mk3 pal but is blue instead of hi viz orange, if it's a grey knocker box is mk1 either 8 or 15 ft
  18. Mk2 look like mk3 but mk1 is old grey box ain't it?? Mk2 box only picks up mk2 collars tho
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