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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. im only up road a few miles i'll keep my eyes open
  2. Keep it on a lead no matter what your mate says. Once it's seen the ferrets going in and out a few times and hopefully a few bunnys hit nets then consider letting him off lead. Take my advice even if you think your dog is bomb proof with ferrets pal as even if pup is, one nip off a ferret that's worked up will end up with a dead ferret and a ruined terrier if this is what you intend on doing with the dog, enjoy your day and don't expect too much from dig first few times
  3. I'm with gnipper nowt fancy and plenty of wild food I love putting lot of diffrent foodstuffs into birds and watching what the individual birds prefer
  4. Nowt bad on there and atleast it shows he keeps his stock in good order. And aye some nice mutts
  5. Surprised them bunnys ain't in a trillion prices lol well done for controlling them dogs lol
  6. no they dont Oh yes they do. His will anyways lol
  7. Just clicked your top link mate and it let me see whole album, might wanna go turn it on private if you don't want folks to see them all
  8. It won't matter the damage has been done can paint go faster stripes if you really want, everybody knows brindle dogs are slow and lack wind lol
  9. The answers easy its a driving dog
  10. Nice pics mate pity your pup brindle tho....
  11. DIY vids on YouTube And kits on ebay it's hardly rocket science some folks swear by it these days try it you may have a hidden talent choking the chicken of a dog
  12. They don't slip and say if in tight enough
  13. That's half the buzz of having birds and that mate swapping ideas and diffrent ways with like mined folk. Man who taught me was tight if I'm honest and wouldn't waste a pin if none was needed lol hence he only used a perch and nothing else lol
  14. I had an indoor flight which was just a big long box like treble breeding cage but 3m long 2m high and 1 m deep for young birds to get there wings flapping and I used drift wood in there. If it was for a breeding cage tho I'd try and cut it down to make some narlyperches
  15. Pete diffrent sizes are best chop and change over and even add a bit of shape to them witha knife or some sand paper
  16. Better safe than sorry kittle besides I never had need for nails or holes as I say the just wedge in makes life real easy even when catching birds and things as the just collapse when you tap them hard enough and slot back in. Pins stocking out a cage if a perch somehow come off would cause injury in a worse case senario aswell I should imagine.
  17. dont cut holes or put pins in there is no need just make it longer than usual and wedge it in less places for the dreaded mites to hide
  18. I read them back a few times now and they make sense to me considering this iPod is haunted by Siri lol do it makes sense to everybody else? lol
  19. If your perches are flopping cut them a few extra mm next time and get them snug so wire bellies out a little. Them plastic perches are shite I don't even use them in budgie cage lol birds should atleast have wood to perch on IMO
  20. No don't start with dowling Pete start with a square piece of long wood put the saw grooves at one end. Put it in sideways and the saw grooves take the bars in them as you twist.exact same as your pics Then you can alter the thickness and shape of perch so the canaries feet get a good work out grabbing diffrent thickness perches or square or round. Another way is to just get buts of off cuts not unlike chopsticks and cut them a bit longer then the wire to the back of cage,insert little groove on end that will touch wire and push back part against the back wall the extra few mm's will bend the
  21. eBay does twist on perches but the simple to make Pete it's just 2 saw grooves
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