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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. That's krankys vid to gnasher....
  2. Think he been pished for few weeks now lol
  3. Seems you really dislike the site Ross. What's keeping you here? Is it the classifieds? Lol
  4. If folk really need telling...... They ain't worth telling....
  5. Nice pics them mate was out our selfs today well almost we started late and finished early after a f****r of a dig lol keep at them
  6. If you don't like what folks say go use preloved or epupz.... Some folk may take a bit of flack but iv personally seen more than a few folk getting outed as dog dealing peddlers on here. fook some folks had sold 20 dogs on a year lol so the folk that genuinely care for dogs told them what they are. If nobody said nowt on here then the forum would be full of pups having pups and advertised on here. if your happy buying shit like that I suggest you join a Facebook page. It's as simple as most the regulars on here ain't daft. They never come off the last boat and a few have been round the block
  7. This place is like the local boozer to most, come in after a day out and have a laugh. Granted most time it's at somebody's expense but that's just the way it is. Biting every time certainly ain't ever gonna help matters and by sounds a things you have finally Sussed not to take it to heart Aaron. The forums will be a far better place for you if you accept the piss takin. Nobody can deny you get out so fook what they think...... well done to that bitch and yourself, decent bag. Now gonna take me off your hit list I'm gettin old lol
  8. The classifieds are full a wankers never posted nowt paid a fiver an peddle there scatter bred bin tipping shite.... What's big deal with guy advertising his book?? i might ask wife to order it. Can't be any worse than Darcy's books lol
  9. Mushroom is a nobber but his company for trips such as this one is excellent. Even if the laugh a minute atmosphere is at his expense lol
  10. I have profusely but socks says fcuk it he will never catch up with him....
  11. I always thought the same but this bitch has proved it wrong she has had as much work as she needs for her age and then some Due to the fact the breeder asked me to push her harder than I usually would a pup. I don't think her being youngest dog in yard helps matters tho if I'm honest but I don't think it's the sole reason either
  12. I got a bitch here that is near 3 and when I got a lamp In me hand or we out with ferrets then she is 100% focused an got drive In Bucket loads and works like a seasoned dog. she is a pup still I my eyes she is mentally very young some times. It makes for a laugh if nowt else just watching her entertain herself if she gets bored lol
  13. The old firm takes seeing to believe
  14. In the words of am uncle Duncan..... Im out...
  15. i have to be cheeky and say....get some footage up man! I'll give it a try when I got camcorder sorted mate
  16. Only bit iv ever seen. I got nv and have used it whilst waiting at net but iv never filmed it my camcorders zoom ain't working anymore.
  17. I believe it's in the net and setting mate tbh I got a double stranded net here off net rigger and it's as tho it's made from cotton or something. I don't make nets so ain't net material savvy lol bill will know tho. Add to that lots of bagging not set too high and sloping a tad, but most importantly in the right place lol I only set nets infront or around the warrens I know the bunnys will hear for rather than in there path. Like iv said that's what works for me
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