Fox and hound will take some beating IMHO I watched it hundreds a times as a lad and my kids never tire of it either, aye malt it was mrs frisby and ats of nimh as a book
I wear gloves to beat the nettles, and my kids handle my ferrets at home and out ferreting, my ole granny used to say, any fool can get cold wet and stung whilst ferreting....
The ones I've seen and owned from same way bred were the most easiest dogs to start off and id say (with this line) your ethier got bad luck or are a clown if they didn't turn out half tidy
The ones I've seen and owned from same way bred were the most easiest dogs to start off and id say (with this line) your ethier got bad luck or are a clown if they didn't turn out half tidy
Any recent pics mate?
I ain't sorry and the dam is agein rapidly now or I'd a took another litter for mates as a few are begging for them tbh. If and it's a big if they keep going way they are tho I may breed off 1 a them in future. Just don't rush in and Summat will turn up
I was in same position, cant get on with spaniels they make me dizzy. Can handle terriers but much prefer bolters if they are gonna drop in. Don't need hound blood so that wasn't an option. In end I bred me own out the dogs I use, made sense they do what I want an I know them and know how they work.might not suit everybody but my collie x terriers are doing well. Don't underestimate collie blood lol
Don't rule out a strong big coursing dog mate I don't mean a greyhound but a proper fen running courser, IMHO they are just doing what the old coursing greys done years ago,bred to catch hares. Will add height, speed wind and feet
Hop your ole man is awrite pal, an think a the money you'll save now, best surrounded by family at new year, I'm gonna have a shandy way the weans and get out for a run when they in bed and everybody else drunk haha