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Hot Meat

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Everything posted by Hot Meat

  1. You said you'd eliminate the breed. That's Summat an anti would say.... Are you brand new to hunting? You've asked some daft questions in past couple months??? So your either green as good skunk or your fishing.....
  2. That's way I see it, he ain't on here selling pups just give folks a heads up to a half decent litter, I'd rather ten folk like him done this than 1 newbie joined site paid his fiver and advertised a litter
  3. Stop it Ffs you were agreeing with the guy that posted before you lol stick to asking daft questions mate.... Can you dig in summer months Ffs ....
  4. Eliminated as a breed lol your away with the fairys and sound like an anti, wanting to elimanate or ban things they don't like lol
  5. Who is the best dog men in country mate ? Could be doing way talking to somebody who knows there stuff. This place is full a twits....
  6. I wrote on here other day about a wee border x shitzu that bit my daughter, turns out the daft bint paid 800 for it, atleast she only had to pay 42 to get the twunt pts lollol
  7. Seems a lot of waste but I deffo believe it after seeing what happend to ones I caught. Shame that
  8. It was winter, in an old concrete shed that was more akin to a freezer. In old quicker crates, 1 to a crate, I don't think they over heated mate, I could be wrong tho
  9. I caught 13 hares in a net one winter morning, put them all alive and well in pigeon crates and put them in my shed at around 9 in morning, a farmer mate who wanted them for his own land turned up at around 10 by time we had a brew and a chat it must have been half 10ish, we went to load them into back of jeep and 10 were dead, by time he got 15 mile to his farm all the rest bar 1 was dead. When he released it he said he knew it wouldn't make it and sure as shit it was found dead in field later that evening. Iv never tried netting or moving a live hare since, and I genuinely felt shit that I'd
  10. Do you know where they are living? You'll need to find there holes to be able to use ferrets, dogs wil catch the odd one but again you'll get best results evicting them from home and letting terrier kill em... Chances are tho more will appear if there is always good food available....
  11. Huppets lol fat wee fookers look weird lol
  12. Battery size is LR1 and every flash equals 10 hours of life left, if you put battery in an turn on it will flash accordingly, but if you take battery out or turn transmitter off then you need to wait 10 mins for the wee light to flash again and tell you how much life left Hope that makes sense mate
  13. I'm sure I past got one here mate , give me half hour an I'll see if I can find it
  14. can't remember the size, but don't the light flash to tell you how much battery life is left??
  15. Gsdxg your Alsatian crosses ain't they only type of mutt that acts that way, so having to run that cross to understand is shite, lots of crosses try it of you work them enough.... If that type of half hearted mutt can keep you happy then so be it, but some folk expect more, and get it. Don't make them bad people tho to have higher standards does it???? Iv had dogs that never made the grade( yet I don't buy adult dogs) so what category does that put me in??? Lol
  16. Advertising a litter, in the wrong section, not a donator and for a friend ? Now I have no problem against you at all tomo but it seems if your face fits on this site you can do what you want?? You tell him Charlie....
  17. That's all fair and well gsdxg but iv seen dogs refuse to run/commit to a course that was uncatchable in the mutts mind, only for another mutt to run and catch the uncatchable quarry.... Brains or not, lurchers are running dogs and if I slip or tell my mutts to get on then I expect them to do it, after all I feed and care for the said mutt.....
  18. Aye mate that's him as a youngster
  19. Just too racey I think, he just lost condition, only other dog iv had that was same was a pedigree whippet, both mutts worked well but just couldn't handle the work load..
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